Our Student members are graduate students pursuing work under the direction of a full academic member of the Centre, and other graduate or undergraduate students involved in human rights and social justice projects within the University of Ottawa.
Addisalem, Alex
Ph.D. Candidate in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Armenian, Van
Ph.D. Candidate in Music, University of Ottawa
Professional Violinist
Founding President of the Atken Armenian Foundation
Professional Violinist
Founding President of the Atken Armenian Foundation
Balan, Veaceslav (Slava)
Ph.D. Candidate in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Garcia Rodriguez, Carlos
Ph.D. Candidate in Spanish, Faculty of Arts, University of Ottawa
Herencia, Salvador
Ph.D. Candidate in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Kane, Jocelyn
Ph.D. Candidate in Political Sciences, University of Ottawa & Founding Director of the Canadian Centre on Statelessness (CCS)
Monette-Tremblay, Justine
Ph.D. Candidate in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Nkurunziza, Nestor
Ph.D. Candidate in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Rabuffetti, Fiorella
Ph.D. Candidate, School of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa
Sagay, Christiana
Ph.D. Candidate in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Tiunn, Hokbi
Ph.D. Candidate in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa