Webinar on March 21 - The environmental crisis in Venezuela: Diagnosis and solutions

The environmental crisis in Venezuela: Diagnosis and solutions

Dialogues & Knowledge is a series of virtual talks created by Professor Isaac Nahon-Serfaty with Venezuelan scholars and researchers in Venezuela and abroad about the future of research and university education in the country, the challenges local professors are facing, their efforts to continue teaching and doing research, and the opportunities of collaboration that exist with the Venezuelan academic diaspora around the world.

The third event of the series will discuss about environment!

Our speakers

Emilio Vilanova

Emilio Vilanova

Tropical forestry engineer

Emilio Vilanova is a tropical forestry engineer, with a master’s degree in Forest Management from Universidad de Los Andes in Venezuela where he worked between 2005 and 2013 fulfilling different roles in teaching and research. In 2019, he completed a Ph. .D in Environmental and Forest Sciences from the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences (SEFS) of the University of Washington, USA. He has built hjis career within the framework of research and education on the topics of forest ecology and forest management. He is interested in facilitating the use of scientific knowledge for the practice of sustainable forest management. Between 2020 and October 2021, he worked as a postdoctoral scholar position in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM) at University of California – Berkeley working to understand the effects of drought on the dynamics of tree communities, fuels, and regeneration in the mixed-conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada in California. Since November 2021, he is part of the Global Conservation Program at The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) focusing on the analysis of forest carbon within the Intact Forests Initiative.

Alejandro Álvarez

Alejandro Álvarez

General Coordinator, Clima21

Alejandro Álvarez is the General Coordinator of the Venezuelan organization Clima21 aimed at defending environmental human rights. He is a graduate in Biology and Doctor of Science Mention in Ecology (UCV). He is an environmentalist and a defender of environmental human rights. He is also a specialist in social management of the environment, with emphasis on issues related to climate change and biodiversity.

He has been professor at IESA, Universidad Metropolitana,  Universidad Pedagógica Libertador, Universidad de los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora, Universidad Experimental de las Fuerzas Armadas, Universidad Simón Bolívar, and Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Author or co-author of three books, two book chapters, five articles in scientific journals and more than thirty technical reports as author, co-author or editor. Special Mention in the 10th Edition of the Human Rights Award granted by the Embassy of Canada in Venezuela and the Centre for Peace and Human Rights "Padre Luis María Olaso" of the UCV, in March 2019.

Isaac Nahon-Serfaty

Professor Isaac Nahon-Serfaty

Moderator of the discussion

Isaac Nahon-Serfaty is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ottawa. He is also a long-standing academic member of the Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC).



Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas (CAFA)

CAFA is a project created to increase awareness and advocacy in defence of academic freedom across the Americas, aimed at developing and concretizing relevant human rights standards, both as a means of protecting higher education spaces in the western hemisphere, and modeling best practices elsewhere.


Registration required to receive the link.

Date and time
Mar 21, 2023
All day
12 pm — 1 pm (EDT)
Format and location
Webinar on Zoom
with interpretation in English