Webinar on November 30 - Haïti-Crise: For a Haitian solution to the crisis

Haïti-Crise: For a Haitian solution to the crisis

Haiti is going through a major multidimensional crisis. A serious economic and social situation that has been complicated by the increase in the price of petroleum products by the government. A political crisis where for the past two years the country has been without legal and legitimate leaders, with a government contested by various sectors of Haitian society. The gansterization of the territory leads to a situation of terror among the population and generalized insecurity. Unfortunately, the drama in Haiti has not received the attention it deserves from the media and other sectors of the international community. And when it does, the voices of local actors are invisible.

Our speakers

The panel will be moderated by Walner Osna
Lecturer & Doctoral Student in sociology, University of Ottawa
Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire et de valorisation des savoirs en Haïti (CRIVASH)

James Beltis
Sociologist, President of the National Transitional Council, August 30 Agreement

Camille Chalmers
Economist, Professor at the State University of Haiti

Pascale Solages
Feminist activist, Specialist in gender and development, Coordinator of the Haitian feminist organization Nègès Mawon

Jean-Claude Icart
Haitian Coalition in Canada against the dictatorship in Haiti

Free and open to all.

Registration required to receive the link.

Date and time
Nov 30, 2022
All day
Format and location
Online | Zoom Webinar
Event in French.