MARCH 31, 2021 - 10 Years of Political Changes in Tunisia: Constitutional Challenges and Promotion of Human Rights
Mar 31, 2021 — All day
The Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC), JuriGlobe - World Legal Systems Research Group and the Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section at the University of Ottawa are pleased to invite you to the virtual event:

10 Years of Political Changes in Tunisia: Constitutional Challenges and Promotion of Human Rights
- Professor Jabeur FATHALLY | Associate Professor, Co-Founder and Executive Director, JuriGlobe Research Group, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, University of Ottawa
- Professor Marie-Ève SYLVESTRE | Dean, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, University of Ottawa
- Professor Yadh BEN ACHOUR | Professor Emeritus, Member of the UN Human Rights Committee, Averroès Chair (IMERA - Univ. d'Aix-Marseille), Chair "Monde francophones" at the Collège de France and former President of the High Authority of the Revolution
Tunisia: The constitutional challenges of a revolution in a country of Islam
- Mrs. Najet ZAMMOURI | Vice-President of the Tunisian League for Human Rights and member of the FIDH steering committee
10 years of political changes in Tunisia: An update on human rights in general and women's rights in particular
- Mr. Yousseff CHAHED | Head of the Tunisian government from 2016 to 2020
10 years of political changes in Tunisia: The view of a head of government
- Professor John PACKER | Neuberger-Jesin Professor and Director, Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa
Free and open to all