Chile's new constitutional project: What will become of social justice?
Jan 25, 2023 — All day
The Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC) and the Justice and Democracy Platform in the Americas project are pleased to present this hybrid event:

Chile's new constitutional project: What will become of social justice?
After the rejection of the draft constitution in Chile, a new agreement of political parties proposes a new constitutional formula for 2023. The previous project left much room for new social justice. What will be the compromise of the new project? Will social justice still have a place?
After the announcement of the subway fare hike, the Chilean spring of 2019 was littered with protests. Clearly, these violent (and peaceful) protests were a sign of social inequality. As one of the solutions it was then proposed to write a new constitution, the old one being inherited from the dictatorial era. After a referendum in which 78% of the voters approved of a citizens' assembly drafting a new constitution, nothing could have predicted that 18 months later, on September 4, 2022, it would be rejected, again by referendum, by more than 62% of the population. What happened to the hope for change that more than a million peaceful marchers had wished for in the streets of Santiago? Why did Chile reject this project and what will happen with the new proposal? Join us for this interesting discussion moderated by HRREC Fellow Pierre Gilles Bélanger with our guest speakers Claudio Herrera and Juan Pablo Glasinovic.
Our speakers
Moderator: Pierre Gilles Bélanger
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section & HRREC Fellow, University of Ottawa.
Professor Claudio Herrera
Director of the Private Law Department, School of Law, University of Santiago de Chile (USACH) & Legal Advisor and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Museum of Memory and Human Rights.
Professor Juan Pablo Glasinovic
Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Professor of International Relations at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Director General of the Chilean-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce & Columnist for the electronic newspapers El Dínamo and El Mostrador on international issues.

Justice and Democraty Platform in the Americas
The mission
The platform focuses mainly on legal and political thinking, institutional practices of government agencies and civil society organizations in order to share and produce knowledge and best practices in the Americas, promote the relevance, integrity and democratization of public institutions, as well as the protection and respect for human rights, with special emphasis on segments of the population that require special protection, and educate the population by contributing to the inclusion of this knowledge in the educational process of the various countries.
The vision
To be a model at the inter-American level in the production of knowledge, sharing and dissemination of various ideas, best practices and intercultural dialogues in relation to justice systems and the defence and promotion of human rights, producing relevant proposals that are widely disseminated and discussed in the political, social and legal spheres of the countries of the continent.