24.03.2025 - Announcing the first recipient of the Tokmakjian Humanitarian Award 10.03.2025 - Call for Papers: Conflict, Democratic Backsliding, and Diaspora Politics in Canada Dr. Bantayehu Chanie, Dr. Christina Clark-Kazak, and Dr. Philippe M. Frowd, researchers at the Center for International Policy Studies (CIPS) at the University of Ottawa, are seeking paper submissions from interested academics and researchers in Canada and internationally for a new project titled “ Conflict, Democratic Backsliding, and Diaspora Politics. ” 20.02.2025 - John Packer & Amanda Dale appointed to Foreign Minister Melanie Joly’s Standing Table on Human Rights 14.02.2025 - Awards | HRREC academic members Jamie Liew and Delphine Nakache among the Common Law professors honoured at uOttawa awards ceremony 14.02.2025 - Professor Clark-Kazak teaches experiential learning to uOttawa students with the Canadian Council for Refugees 13.02.2025 - Research | HRREC academic member Christina Clark-Kazak, visiting researcher Bantayehu Shiferaw Chanie and their co-applicant Philippe Frowd are the 2024/2025 winners of the CIPS Research Initiatives (CRI) competition for their project titled “Conflict, Democratic Backsliding, and Diaspora Politics in Canada”. This research project examines diaspora groups in Canada and their links to transnational movements for peace and conflict, as well as democracy or democratic backsliding. 05.02.2025 - Viviana Fernandez contributes to UNESCO Guidelines for Universities Hosting Human Rights Defenders 04.02.2025 - Professor Jamie Liew's novel Dandelion chosen as Canada Reads contender 31.01.2025 - Launch of the Gordon F. Henderson Postdoctoral Fellowship competition 2025-2026 27.01.2025 - Scholarships | HRREC student member receives two scholarships 27.01.2025 - Interview | Watch our academic member Roojin Habibi's interview on CTV Morning Calgary about the U.S. withdrawal from WHO and the implications for global health security 23.01.2025 - Article | Read academic member Roojin Habibi's article in The Conversation: As the United States disavows the World Health Organization, Canada must double down on its support 22.01.2025 - Unpacking Canada’s immigration reputation: Professor Delphine Nakache awarded University Research Chair 21.01.2025 - Winner of the Petrasek Prize will be mentored by HRREC Director John Packer & Alex Neve 16.01.2025 - Blog | Our visiting researcher Bantayehu Shiferaw Chanie in the CIPS Blog: Understanding the Conflict in Ethiopia’s Amhara Region 08.01.2025 - Award | Jamie Liew named in the Best Legal Podcasts in the 2024 Clawbies: the Canadian Law Blog Awards recognizing the best online Canadian legal content from the past year
HRREC News | 2024
12.12.2024 - Award | An innovative intersectional approach to gender equality in business and human rights 09.12.2024 - Call for papers for the Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights 2024 08.12.2024 - Read Professor Isaac Nahon-Serfaty's piece in Latinoamérica21 about the third conference on academic freedom in the Americas, held November 20-21, which raised concerns about the growing threats to academic freedom in the region, fueled by rising authoritarianism in the U.S., Argentina, Brazil, and Latin America 08.12.2024 - Comment | In Le Devoir, Professor Jabeur Fathally comments on the era of cautious hope for peace and fears about the future after the fall of Bashar al-Assad in Syria (in French) 05.12.2024 - Congratulations to Gloria Song on successfully defending her doctoral thesis! 04.12.2024 - Blog | Agenda Estado de Derecho , Latin America’s top legal blog site, asked HRREC members Jordi Feo and Salvador Herencia-Carrasco to write a piece on a case focusing on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, environmental due diligence and Business & Human Rights. This focuses on a case that the Constitutional Court should decide soon. (in Spanish) 01.12.2024 - Comment | Professor Jabeur Fathally comments on the resurgence of hotilities in Syria in Le Devoir (in French) 28.11.2024 - The Canadian Bar Association releases an AI ethics toolkit led by Karen Eltis 26.11.2024 - Interview | Read the interview given by Céline Castets-Renard to the magazine Techniques de l'ingénieur about the European AI Regulation (in French) 25.11.2024 - HRREC members participated in the third Conference on academic freedom in the Americas 22.11.2024 - Article | The International Council of Science asked HRREC member Salvador Herencia‑Carrasco and CAFA Executive Director Camilla Croso to write a short piece on the right to science and its implication on academic freedom 21.11.2024 - Julie Ynès Ada recently published an open access paper in the Journal of Human Rights Practice examining the relationship between gender equality and legal pluralism in postcolonial contexts: Regulating Gender Violence in Postcolonial Societies: Is Legal Pluralism a Problem for Human Rights? 20.11.2024 - Christiana Sagay at the ASIL Mid-Year Conference 2024 20.11.2024 - Céline Castets-Renard awarded Canada Research Chair in International and Comparative Law of AI 18.11.2024 - The University of Ottawa has extended its collaboration with the Ministry of Education (Taiwan) through the renewal of the Research Chair in Taiwan Studies 14.11.2024 - Where AI meets law: A new Canada Research Chair for Professor Céline Castets-Renard 12.11.2024 - HRREC participates in thematic hearing on academic freedom at the IACHR 07.11.2024 - Professor Delphine Nakache contributes to pioneering research on housing for asylum seekers 05.11.2024 - Testimonial | Read Professor Pascale Fournier's account of Murray Sinclair's legacy in La Presse (in French) 04.11.2024 - Dismantling to Build Decarceral Futures: Understanding Prison Abolition with Professor Justin Piché 29.10.2024 - Canadian Judicial Council releases new guidelines on AI use in Canadian courts co-authored by Karen Eltis 25.10.2024 - The competition for the Gordon F. Henderson Chair in Human Rights 2025-2028 is open! 24.10.2024 - Opinion | Read HRREC Fellow Amanda Dale's opinion article in the Toronto Star: Gender-based violence is an epidemic in Canada. Here is one action government must do to protect women 23.10.2024 - Article | Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer and member Philip Leech-NGO in The Conversation — Human rights advocate Alexander Lapshin: No place to go, but still fighting for global freedom 17.10.2024 - Professor Packer takes students to symposium on the future of global institutions 15.10.2024 - Book | Academic member Christina Clark-Kazak published a new book - Aging In and Out of Place: Lived Experience of Forced Migration Across the Life Course (2024, Lived Places Publishing) 14.10.2024 - Blog | Our members Nadia Abu-Zahra, Philip Leech-NGO & John Packer in the CIPS Blog — Canada Needs a Paradigm Shift in Supporting Democracy Abroad: Leveraging Activists-in-Exile 12.10.2024 - Congratulations to our member Amira Maameri! 10.10.2024 - From a youth perspective: Professor Mona Paré examines children's experience of the justice system (in French) 09.10.2024 - HRREC welcomes Jane Ezirigwe, Gordon F. Henderson Postdoctoral Fellow for 2024-2025! 08.10.2024 - The University of Ottawa Scholars at Risk program welcomes new scholar in the Faculty of Arts 08.10.2024 - HRREC is a signatory of the 2024 open letter to Permanent Representatives to the United Nations in advance of the annual Open Debate on Women, Peace & Security 07.10.2024 - Grant | Congratulations to our academic members, Christina Clark-Kazak (FSS), Delphine Nakache (CML) and Karine Vanthuyne (FSS), as well as our visiting researcher Bantayehu Chanie (FSS), who have been awarded University of Ottawa Community-based Research Grants for two different projects 07.10.2024 - A new era of AI governance: Professor Céline Castets-Renard at the forefront of AI’s regulatory future 03.10.2024 - HRREC hosts leading Rohingya women in Ottawa visit as poly-crisis worsens 30.09.2024 - Professor Karine Vanthuyne - Decolonizing Higher Education: How the Wìdòkodàdodà Project Advances Reconciliation at uOttawa 28.09.2024 - Read the opinion piece by Professor Delphine Nakache and her coauthors in Le Devoir: De perles rares à moins que rien? (in French) 27.09.2024 - History professor awarded grant to establish international research training group 25.09.2024 - Launch of UnborderED Knowledge, a unique initiative led by Professor Christina Clark-Kazak 09.09.2024 - HRREC Fellow Ohla Chernovol among four University of Ottawa researchers inducted into the Royal Society of Canada 06.09.2024 - Professor João Velloso recognized for research exploring the legal legacy of the G20 mass arrests 03.09.2024 - Olha Chernovol elected to Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars 16.08.2024 - A research trip to Finland for a HRREC student member 15.08.2024 - Book | Academic member Christina Clark-Kazak published a new book - Forced Migration in/to Canada: From Colonization to Refugee Resettlement (2024, McGill-Queen's University Press) 15.08.2024 - Justice Americas : Une plateforme interaméricaine pour la promotion des droits de la personne (in French) 15.08.2024 - Julie Ada appointed Assistant Professor 15.08.2024 - Blog | Our member Shabnam Salehi in the LERRN Blog (Carleton University) - Redefining refugee status: The gender dimension 08.08.2024 - Interview | Listen to our academic member Professor Marie-Christine Doran's interview on Radio-Canada's Première heure about the crisis in Venezuela following the disputed election results (in French) 11.07.2024 - João Velloso named Vice-Dean, Graduate Studies 11.07.2024 - Comments | Professor Karen Eltis comments in article on data breach in the Ottawa Citizen: Ottawa Ticketmaster users were among millions hit by a major data breach 10.07.2024 - Article | Professor Jabeur Fathally publishes an article in the Manchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law & Practice: Muslim Influence and the Lesser-Known Story of Contemporary International Humanitarian Law 25.06.2024 - Comments | Read Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer comments in the article published by Radio Free Asia - Canadian ambassador’s visit to Xinjiang draws China’s ire: Jennifer May raised concerns about human rights violations against Uyghur 20.06.2024 - Professor Jamie Liew appointed Shirley Greenberg Chair for Women and the Legal Profession 19.06.2024 - Article | In The Conversation, our academic member, Professor Christina Clark-Kazak & our visiting scholar hosted at the uOttawa GSPIA, Bantayehu Chanie, discuss how Canada's immigration policy for Sudanese people is an inadequate response to the scale and severity of displacement in the country 18.06.2024 - Blog | Our visiting researcher Bantayehu Shiferaw Chanie in the CIPS Blog: Why Canada should take a stronger stance against Ethiopian drone warfare 07.06.2024 - HRREC member Slava Balan delivers a training in Moldova 07.06.2024 - Comment | Professor Karen Eltis is one of the experts commenting in the Le Devoir article : The idea of using AI to translate Supreme Court decisions stirs debate (in French) 06.06.2024 - Blog | Professor Scott Simon in the CIPS Blog — William Lai's inaugural address: Performing Taiwans's sovereignty 04.06.2024 - New report warns of genocide against Tigrayans and breaches of international law in Tigray conflict 29.05.2024 - Interview | Listen to our academic member Professor Karen Eltis' interview with Isabelle Ménard, host of Radio-Canada's Dans la mosaïque on the voice of Scarlett Johansson & OpenAI (in French) 21.05.2024 - CAFA statement on academic freedom and peaceful protest on university grounds 15.05.2024 - HRREC student member presents at San Francisco 30.04.2024 - Read the HRREC Annual Report 2023 30.04.2024 - HRREC supports the AHRI Statement on the war in Gaza The AHRI Executive Committee/Board adopted a statement on the war in Gaza in April 2024. The full statement is available on the AHRI website. HRREC is a member of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) since 2015. 29.04.2024 - Award | Professor Karen Eltis wins prestigious Mundell Medal for excellence in legal writing 04.23.2024 - Podcast | Our member Amira Maameri and her colleague Julien Doris in a podcast by the Centre international de criminologie comparée about their article published in the journal Criminologie on the perspectives of evolution of child protection in the light of public reports in France and Quebec (in French) 23.04.2024 - Opinion | Read student member Justine Monette-Tremblay's touching and critical opinion piece in La Presse: The inhuman banality of miscarriage (in French) 15.04.2024 - Jamie Liew — Ghost Citizens: Researching the Legal Limbo of Stateless Persons 15.04.2024 - Interview | Listen to our academic member Professor Jabeur Fathally's interview with Marie Villeneuve, host of Radio-Canada's Phare Ouest, on a year of war in Sudan and the Iranian response (in French) 11.04.2024 - Interview | Academic member Christina Clark-Kazak was interviewed for Don't Call Me Resilient Podcast - read about it in The Conversation: Asylum seekers from Gaza and Sudan face prejudiced policies and bureaucratic hurdles 05.04.2024 - Marie-Christine Doran, Professor at the School of Political Studies, gives her analysis on El Salvador's approach to gang violence in The Conversation 24.03.2024 - Dean Marie-Ève Sylvestre's term renewed for five years (in French) 27.03.2024 - Interview | Read Professor Jabeur Fathally and other experts interviewed in Le Devoir : What has become of the Islamic State group? (in French) 19.03.2024 - The ongoing crises facing the Rohingy people and Canada's response 18.03.2024 - Exploring legal innovations in Latin America with Pierre-Gilles Bélanger (in French) 17.03.2024 - Interview | Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer contributed to Aljazeera news programme Inside Story on the crisis in Haiti 08.03.2024 - Jane Bailey — Behind the screens: Youth insights shaping approaches to technology-facilitated violence 07.03.2024 - HRREC members present at the first Day of Advocacy on the Hill Against Gender Apartheid 05.03.2024 - Interview | Tarik Saglam, Program Development Director of Northern Justice Watch, conducted an interview with Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer for the Justice & Human Rights Talk Series 24.02.2024 - Blog | HRREC Fellow Olha Chernovol wrote a blog for The Corruption, Justice & Legitimacy Program - Two years into the war in Ukraine: The status of anti-corruption and the challenges ahead 19.02.2024 - Interview | Listen to Professor Justin Piché's radio interview with Philippe Marcoux on Radio-Canada show Sur le vif on the prevention and drug use in the city of Ottawa (in French) 15.02.2024 - Report | Academic member Professor Scott Simon contributed a Canadian and human rights perspective to the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) report entitled Building International Support for Taiwan 14.02.2024 - HRREC member Ramon Blanco-Barrera receives the prestigious Fulbright Award 14.02.2024 - Chapter | HRREC member Aboubacar Dakuyo author of a chapter on post-conflict justice in South Sudan's local community in the book Ubuntu: A comparative study of an African concept of justice 09.02.2024 - Professor Julie Ada: Empowering young advocates to dismantle systemic barriers 08.02.2024 - One of our members invited to the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile 06.02.2024 - HRREC members among the authors of an international collective work on access to justice for vulnerable groups 06.02.2024 - Interview | Read the interview between our member Salvador Herencia and journalist Jessica Malutama from La Rotonde about the crisis in Ecuador (in French) 01.02.2024 - The University of Ottawa Scholars at Risk program welcomes new scholar 01.02.2024 - Interview | Listen to the radio interview given by Professor Justin Piché to Nicolas Haddad (Radio-Canada) on the difficulties in finding a job with a criminal record (in French) 29.01.2024 - Interview | Listen to Professor Packer's radio interview with Alan Neal (All in a Day) about Canada's suspension of funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees 29.01.2024 - HRREC student member at the Human Mobility and Migration Lab’s Winter Conference 29.01.2024 - Blog | Professor Scott Simon in the CIPS Blog — Defying foreign interference means taking an independent stance on Taiwan 26.01.2024 - Interview | Listen to Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer radio interview with Patricia Boal, in which he and Graham Richardson unpack the nuances and process of the International Court of Justice decision 22.01.2024 - Professor Roojin Habibi leads a human rights-based approach to global health emergencies 17.01.2024 - Blog | Professor Scott Simon in the CIPS Blog — Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan's election: Voices from Orchid Island 16.01.2024 - Call for papers for the CAFA conference on academic freedom in the Americas 2024 15.01.2024 - Blog | Professor André Laliberté in the CIPS Blog — Elections in Taiwan: Some surprises 15.01.2024 - Belonging and belongings: New report exposes property rights inequality amid housing insecurity 15.01.2024 - Interview | Listen to the radio interview with Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer with Patricia Boal unpacking the process surrounding South Africa's genocide allegations against Israel 14.01.2024 - Interview | Listen to the radio interview with Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer with Andew Pinsent on the process surrounding South Africa's genocide allegations against Israel 07.01.2024 - Comments | HRREC Fellow Olha Chernovol comments in the New York Post: Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko was 'core shareholder', part of Hunter Biden-led Burisma subsidiary
HRREC News | 2023
Comments | HRREC member Salvador Herencia comments in the Globe and Mail: As Canada vies for UN Human Rights Council seat, some Indigenous leaders from the Amazon raise red flags Interview | Watch HRREC member Salvador Herencia's interview with Global News Toronto on the rising tensions as Venezuela threatens to annex part of Guyana Article | Isaac Nahon Serfaty in MacDonald Laurier Institute's Inside Policy — Academic freedom is under attack in the Americas – overcoming silence and intimidation: Isaac Nahon-Serfaty for Inside Policy From Declaration to Inspiration: UN High Commissioner's Insightful Address on the 75th Anniversary of the UDHR in Canada Great pleasure welcoming UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk and his wonderful team at the HRREC in October. Challenging times and daunting mandate for the HC and his office. Thanks for the sober & inspiring talk with hopeful vision. A successful second CAFA conference on academic freedom in the Americas HRREC student member Hokbi Tiunn at the ASIL meeting in Pittsburgh Interview | Listen to the radio interview with Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer on 580 CFRA on the humanitarian issues persisting in Gaza Dean Marie-Eve Sylvestre is the recipient of the Mérite du Barreau de l'Outaouais - Jean-Claude Sarrazin 2023 award (in French)HRREC student member Christiana Sagay at the IBA Conference Interview | Listen to the interview with Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer on CBC Ottawa Morning with Robyn Bresnahan, on the issues over the use of the term "genocide" and the application of the Genocide Convention in the context of the escalating Israel-Hamas conflict Opinion | HRREC academic member Justin Piché in the Ottawa Citizen: Next, Doug Ford should drop the Kemptville prison plan Article | Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer quoted in CBC News article: Some Canadians are volunteering for the Israeli army. What motivates them? Interview | Listen to the radio interview with Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer on the CBC Ottawa Morning show with Robyn Bresnahan, about Israel and Hamas' respective humanitarian obligations Interview | Listen to Professor Marie-Ève Sylvestre, dean of the civil law section, interviewed on Les matins d'ici about the distribution of jail warrants for non-payment of fines to homeless people in Gatineau (in French)Shabnam Salehi in Washington for a roundtable on human rights violations in Afghanistan Interview | Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer interviewed by Channel News Asia on Canada-India Dispute Opinion | HRREC Director & Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer in The Globe and Mail: With authoritarianism on the rise, Canada should expect more foreign interference The Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC) and the Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer have signed The Sunflower Declaration by the Nobel Peace Center, a call to action to protect human rights defenders at risk Beyond the Class: Reflections on ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan’s 2023 Elie Wiesel Distinguished Lectureship in Human Rights Article | HRREC Fellow Philip Leech-Ngo in The Conversation - Recognition versus reality: Lessons from 30 years of talking about a Palestinian State HRREC delegation at the AHRI Conference Ashley Barnes at ESIL Annual Conference Welcome to Fulbright Canada Research Chair Cher Weixia Chen! Book | HRREC Senior Fellow Oonagh E. Fitzgerald has co-edited the book Braiding Legal Orders: Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Call for papers for the Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights - Extended deadline CAFA is seeking a Regional Director and/or a host institution Article | Meredith Terreta in Humanity - Human Rights, Revolutionary Humanitarianism, and African Liberation in 1970: Unsettling Discontinuities in Human Rights History Article | Aboubacar Dakuyo in the Canadian Journal of African Studies: Cyberspace and limitations on freedom of opinion and expression in the context of the fight against terrorism in Burkina Faso (in French) Article | Professor Lori G. Beaman in The Immanent Frame: Competing narratives of the “us” in “our culture and heritage” Viviana Fernandez moderates consultation sessions during Forum of FPT ministers responsible for human rights Arts & Human Rights: Conversing Multiplicities Opinion | Academic Member Karen Eltis in The Globe and Mail: Canada's courts offer new hope for Canadians who are defamed online Ashley Barnes appointed assistant professor in law Postdoctoral Fellow Olha Chernovol explores anti-corruption in Ukraine amidst Russia’s invasion Call for papers for the Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas (CAFA) Commentary | Jennifer Lopez points out contradictions in a recent report by the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration (in French )Hokbi Tiunn contributes to the 6th Conference on the Responsibility to Protect in Theory and Practice Article | Amira Maameri in The Conversation - How to better adapt children's participation in justice: Examples from France and Quebec (in French) Ghuna Bdiwi at the 3rd Annual Conference for Syrian Researchers in Social Sciences The Canadian Partnership for International Justice, of which HRREC was a partner, wins Governor General’s Innovation Award Article | Amira Maameri and her co-author in Revue Criminologie: Les sorties sèches à l'épreuve de la participation - Quelles perspectives d'évolution de la protection de l'enfance à l'aune des rapports publics en France et au Québec? HRREC Human Rights Clinic is proud to support the mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues Interview | Listen to John Packer interviewed by Andrew Pinsent, host of CFRA Live about the impacts of Russia taking the Presidency of the United Nations' Security Council Opinion | HRREC Fellow Anoush F. Terjanian in The Hill Times: Canada needs a co-ordinated democracy strategy Visiting researcher Shabnam Salehi speaks out about the situation in Afghanistan Erin Dobbelsteyn is the recipient of the Jacques Gaudreau Graduate Scholarship 2023 Interview | Listen to John Packer interviewed by Robyn Bresnahan, host of CBC's Ottawa Morning about the ICC arrest warrants against Putin Professor Jane Bailey joins Canadian UN delegation on women and girls’ inclusion in innovation Call for Art 2023: Arts & Human Rights Exhibition The Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights is now available online Podcast | Listen to the SAR Free to Think podcast, episode 31, with SAR Scholar Zahra Hakimi & host Rob Quinn on her incredible journey, including several attempts to escape Afghanistan Interview | Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer on CBC News on Russia's actions in Ukraine as crimes against humanity Podcast | Listen to the SAR Free to Think podcast, episode 29, with Salvador Herencia-Carrasco & host Rob Quinn on the recent protests and university arrests in Lima, Peru Changing Orders Project: CIPS report on Canada and the African Union Interview | HRREC Assistant Director Viviana Fernandez interviewed by the Network Academics under Threat Opinion | Pierre Gilles Bélanger in La Presse+: Chile and the balance of power (in French) Interview | Human Rights Clinic Director Salvador Herencia on CBC All in a Day about how the Clinic has been supporting those protesting in Peru Commentary | Salvador Herencia comments in an article of La Presse: Peru in all its states (in French) Interview | Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer on CBC All in a Day on Canada's involvement as a facilitator in the Cameroon peace process Beyond the Class: Reflection on Mediating Self-Determination Conflicts HRREC members worked on an international project on Colombia Blog | Our member Scott Simon in the CIPS Blog — Canada's partnership with Japan: Strengthening security in the Indo-Pacific Opinion | John Packer and HRREC Member Slava Balan in TVO Today: Supporting minority languages requires more than token gestures Blog | HRREC Fellow Jeremy Wildeman in the Institute for Peace & Diplomacy Blog: Charting a New Path for Canadian Engagement with the Middle East Blog | Our member Scott Simon in the CIPS Blog: How Should Canada Navigate the Taiwan Strait Conundrum?
HRREC News | 2022
Common Law Student Gains Invaluable First-Hand Experience in Peace Negotiations Article | Amira Maameri in Revue Juriste International: The child and the lawyer in child protection - French-Quebec comparative law (in French) Blog | Director John Packer & Alex Trebek Postdoc Ghuna Bdiwi in the CIPS Blog: Canada Must Protect Activists-in-Exile Against Transnational Repression New interdisciplinary Laboratory for Engaged Research created by Professor Larisa Kurtović Blog | Our member Scott Simon in the CIPS Blog: What the Indo-Pacific Strategy Means for Indigenous Peoples Blog | Our member Scott Simon in the CIPS Blog: What’s Behind Taiwan’s “Blue Wave”? HRREC members contribute to international conference on children in armed conflict HRREC is a partner of the CPIJ, recipient of the SSHRC 2022 Partnership Award Opinion | Isaac Nahón-Serfaty in the Ottawa Citizen: Canada should end its tolerant stance toward Cuba's dictatorship HRREC members met with Pramila Patten Everyone’s Rights & Freedoms, a political cartoon bulletin First conference of the Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas (CAFA) HRREC member Jennifer Bond and long-time collaborator of the centre, Professor Alan Rock, participated in the final uOttawa Chancellor’s Debate on the need to find solutions for refugees Artificial intelligence in schools: Open dialogue between youth and policymakers Crisis as catalyst for change: Professor Karen Eltis discusses how technology is transforming our courts Visiting researcher Shabnam Salehi received a DVF award Interview | Listen to John Packer's radio interview on CFRA Live with Andrew Pinsent about the unfolding situation in Haiti Article | Professor Scott Simons in the Macdonald-Laurier Institute Papers: Navigating Canada-Taiwan relations: Why Canada needs a renewed strategy to help safeguard peace in the Taiwan Strait Germain-Brière Conference 2022 (in French) Dean Sylvestre receives the distinction of Emeritus Lawyer (in French) HRREC supports the InterConectados Network through CAFA Activists-in-Exile: Professor John Packer leads a workshop to give voice to the politically persecuted Viviana Fernandez at the 2022 conference of AHRI in South Africa Opinion | Mona Paré in the CBA/ABC National: Courts are not substitutes for human rights tribunals From Kyiv to Ottawa: Olha Chernovol finds a new academic home at Fauteux Hall Congratulations to our member Adam R. Houston! HRREC welcomes Ashley Barnes Opinion | Professor John Packer and colleagues in The Hill Times: Five years since 2017 exodus, concrete action is needed on Rohingya refugees Opinion | HRREC Member Ravi Malhotra and his colleague Jacqueline Moizer in the Ottawa Citizen: Let's build an accessible post-pandemic Canada Comment | Our academic member Meredith Terretta on Canada's visa denials to African researchers in the Globe and Mail Blog | Our member Scott Simon in the CIPS Blog: The Legacy of Abe Shinzō John Packer in Barcelona CAFA's Call for Paper for the 1st Regional Conference on Academic Freedom in the Americas Jabeur Fathally appointed Director of HRREC for one year 2019 Embassy of Canada in Venezuela Human Rights Award Winner Visited HRREC HRREC and CONTEKST Bring Arts & Human Rights to the Senate HRREC Hosts Session with the Netherlands Ambassador for Human Rights Andrea Khan presented at the 8th Conference ISCI in Brazil HRREC member professor Jane Bailey appointed to the Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner’s Strategic Advisory Council New Website for the Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas The University of Ottawa Welcomes Two Scholars at Risk Professor João Velloso Creates New Forum to Study Legal Responses to Social Problems Viviana Fernandez Commented on the Impact of the War in Ukraine in Canadian Academia in an Article by University Affairs Blog | Graduate Student Sukhchain Singh and Professor John Packer in the CIPS Blogs : What Was Behind the Indian Farmer's Protests? Call for Cartoonists | Everyone's Rights & Freedom — A Political Cartoon Bulletin by Contekst and the HRREC (Deadline: August 31) Interview | Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer on CBC News, on Investigating Human Rights Abuses and Alleged War Crimes in Russia's War on Ukraine Interview | John Packer on the CBC Ottawa Morning with Robyn Bresnahan on Russia's War Crimes in Ukraine: Proving War Crimes in Court Is Not So Simple Blog | John Packer and HRREC Members Nadia Abu-Zhara and Philip Leech-Ngo in the CIPS Blogs : Expedience over Justice — Implications of the Fate of the Khashoggi Trial for Activists-in-Exile Salvador Herencia Comments on the Peruvian Constitutional Court’s Judgement of the Fujimori Case Ghuna Bdiwi cited by the Middle East News Interview | Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer, on CBC News with Natasha Fatah, Explains the Rules of Engagement in Russia's War on Ukraine Statement of the CAHRI on the Russian Aggression against Ukraine | 01.03.2022 HRREC Endorses AHRI’ Statement on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Welcome to Visiting Researcher Ümmühan Elçin Ertuğrul News | João Velloso Featured in the Ottawa Citizen: A uOttawa Law Professor Who Studies Protests Has Boots on the Ground New Graduate at HRREC! (in French) Viviana Fernandez Interviewed by the Canadian Association of University Teacher (CAUT) on the Situation of Scholars at Risk in Canada Human Rights Clinic: Internship with Real World Impact! Interview | Radio-Canada's Isabelle Richer Interviews Professor Mona Paré About Children in a Quarter of the Trucks in Ottawa (in French) On the Ongoing Rohingya Genocide Case at the International Court of Justice IMAGES of JUSTICE: Right to Housing | Discover the Winners and Visit the Virtual Gallery! Opinion | HRREC Members Catalina Arango and Professor Isaac Nahon-Serfaty in University Affairs - Lessons from Iran: When Academic Freedom is Undermined, Fear Reigns . SAR in the Americas: SAR uOttawa Monitoring Report 2020-2021 to Analyze Regional Trends Book | Edited by Professor Mona Paré and her colleagues Mariëlle Bruning, Thierry Moreau, Caroline Siffrein-Blanc - Children's Access to Justice (in French) Welcome Ghuna Bdiwi, Alex Trebek Postdoctoral Fellow! Grants | Congratulations to Our Members Who Received Grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council: André Laliberté & Scott Simon (Connection); Karine Vanthuyne (Insight Development) John Packer’s Address at the French National Assembly Leads to the Adoption of a Resolution to Recognize the Uyghur Genocide Welcome to Fulbright Canada Chair Julia Hernandez! Read the Activity Report by Professor Meredith Terretta, Holder of the Gordon F. Henderson Chair from 2016 to 2021 Comments | Professor Karen Eltis in The Hill Times Article ‘We’ll Have to Put the Light on It’: Politicos and Privacy Experts Urge Investigation into PHAC’s Collection of Cellphone Data Article | HRREC Member David DesBaillets and Co-Author Sarah E. Hamill in the Canadian Journal of Law and Society - Coming in From the Cold: Canada's National Housing Strategy, Homelessness, and the Right To Housing in a Transnational Perspective David Hughes Accepted an Assistant Professor Position at the Canadian Forces College Article | HRREC Members Isaac Nahon-Serfaty and Catalina Arango in The Conversation: University Communities Are Essential to Protect Individual Freedom (in French) Congratulations to Former HRREC Director Edward J. Ratushny Promoted to the Order of Canada for his Contributions to the Field of Administrative Law, and for his Leadership in Sports Arbitration and Law Doctoral candidate from Mexico visits HRREC Malorie Kanaan Is the Recipient of the Jacques Gaudreau Graduate Scholarship Principles on Academic Freedom to Defend Universities Advocating at the United Nations in New York for the Inclusion of Minorities HRREC Director Addresses 14th Session of United Nations Forum on Minority Issues
HRREC News | 2021
Article | Kirsten J. Fisher in the International Criminal Law Review — The Expressive Value of Prosecuting Aged Defendants: A Rebuke of Ageism HRREC turns 40! Professor Scott Simon Contributes to New Book Shines Light on the Lives of Taiwan’s Aborigines Rideau Institute and HRREC Launch a New Report on Economic Sanctions Blog | Academic Member Karen Eltis in Slaw, Canada's Online Legal Magazine — Assisted Decision-Making and the Proposed EU AI Regulation : An Emerging Paradigm Shift From Consent to Contextually Mitigating Human Rights Violations Blog | Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer in The Hills Times: Canada Must Support Rohingya Activists-in-Exile Blog | HRREC Members Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer, Professor Nadia Abu-Zahra & Fellow Philip Leech in the CIPS Blog: Global Migration, Activists-in-Exile, and Canada HRREC Welcomes Two New Fellows Nomination | Congratulations to Our Member, Professor Marie-Ève Sylvestre, Who Has Been Appointed to SSHRC’s Governing Council Bringing People Together through Human Rights Viviana Fernandez Interviewed about the Canadian Response to Afghan Refugee Crisis in University Affairs Article | HRREC Fellow Jeremy Wildeman in Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis: The Middle East in Canadian Foreign Policy and National Identity Formation Article | HRREC Member Slava Balan in The Conversation: We Speak a Lot of Languages in Canada — Elections Should Reflect Our Diversity (also covered in the National Post) A New Hub to Protect Academic Freedom in the Americas HRREC Signs MOU with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Scholarship | Special Merit Scholarship for Our Student Member Amira Maameri Article | Penelope Simons, Gordon Henderson Chair, in Legal Ethics: Professional Responsibility and the Defence of Extractive Corporations in Transnational Human Rights and Environmental Litigation in Canadian Courts Read the Human Rights Clinic's Report 2014-2021 (PDF in English) The uOttawa Human Rights Clinic: Offering Students the Opportunity to Make a Difference Through a Truly Immersive Experience in the Field of Human Rights Opinion | Read John Packer's article in the Ottawa Citizen: Given Canada's Election Outcome, a Coalition Might Do the Trick Podcast | Listen to HRREC Fellow Jeremy Wildeman in The Conversation Weekly: Why Is Justin Trudeau More Popular Abroad Than in Canada? Blog | Our Member Kirsten van Houten in the CIPS Blog: New Opportunities for Local Engagement at the Human Rights and Peacebuilding Nexus Chapter | Academic Member Jamie Liew Co-Authored a Chapter entitled The Unmaking of Citizens: Shifting Borders of Belonging with Kristy A. Belton in the Book Beyond Borders Welcome to Fulbright Canada Chair Ann Marie Clark! Professor Penelope Simons Appointed Gordon Henderson Chair in Human Rights Viviana Fernandez Elected to the Association of Human Rights Institutes Executive Committee Congratulations to Our Members Who Successfully Defended Their Doctoral Thesis! New Faculty Positions for Former HRREC Gordon F. Henderson Postdoctoral Fellows! Our member Pierre-Gilles Bélanger Involved in the International Program for Lawyers to Make Law More Inclusive Launched by uOttawa Article | HRREC Member Kirsten Fisher and her colleague Kathy Walker in The Conversation: Transitional Justice for Indigenous Peoples Should Be a Key Federal Election Issue Blog | Our Member Nelson Arturo Ovalle Diaz the CIPS Blog: Transitional Justice in Colombia, Five Years After Signing the Peace Agreement Award | HRREC Member Dean Marie-Ève Sylvestre and Colleagues Win CLSA Prize for the Book "Red Zones" Article | Member Olabisi D. Akinkugbe's Paper in the Chicago Journal of International Law: Reflections on the Value of Socio-Legal Approaches to International Economic Law in Africa Opinion | Read Professor André Laliberté's Post Published by the Australian Institute of International Affairs - The Centennial of the Chinese Communist Party: What is There to Celebrate? Blog | Read Alex Trebek Postdoctoral Fellow David Hughes' Post at Opinio Juris: Framing Prolonged Occupation Book | Newly Published by HRREC Member Ravi Malhotra and his Co-Author Bejamin Isitt - Able to Lead: Disablement, Radicalism, and the Political Life of E.T. Kingsley Opinion | Read HRREC Director and Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer's article in the Ottawa Citizen: Mary Simon's Appointment as Governor General Is a Win for Canada Our Member Julie Ada among Four New Faculty Members Joining the Common Law Section! Opinion | Professor John Packer's Article in The Star: Islamophobia and the Insidious Threat of Systemic Racism Mona Paré Named Vice-Dean Graduate Studies in Law Congratulations to Olabisi D. Akinkugbe who was Appointed Viscount Bennett Professor of Law at the Dalhousie University Schulich School of Law Insight SSHRC Grant | Professor Mona Paré Works to Ensure Children’s Ability to Defend their Human Rights Article | Scott Simon in World Politics Review: A Contentious Court Ruling Deals a Setback to Indigenous Rights in Taiwan Article | Olabisi D. Akinkugbe in Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law: Africanization and the Reform of International Investment Law Community Member Ramon Blanco-Barrera Awarded a Well-Recognized Research Grant in Spain Article | Karine Vanthuyne in Human Rights Quarterly: "I Want to Move Forward. You Can Move Forward too." Articulating Indigenous Self-Determination at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Article | Adam R. Houston and His Co-Author in The Lancet: Canada Is No Global Health Leader on COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Article | Isaac Nahon-Serfaty and His Co-Authors in The Conversation: The Serious Miscommunications That Fuel Vaccine Hesitancy F ormer HRREC Director Receives a Honorary Doctorate in Law Opinion | Ravi Malhotra and His Colleague Sue Dojeiji's Article in the Ottawa Citizen: Vaccine Policy Is Ignoring People with Disabilities Special Issue | HRREC Fellow Jeremy Wildeman, and His Colleague Emma Swan from uOttawa, Are Guest Editors of the Special Issue of the CFPJ on Canada's Engagement with the Middle East Peace HRREC Human Rights Clinic Contributes to the Creation of Indigenous Reserve in the Peruvian Amazon Blog | Justine Monette-Tremblay in the Droit International pénal's Blog - Sexual Violence: The Limits of the Rhetoric of "Sexual Violence as a Method of War" in a Post-Conflict Perspective Podcast | Listen to the Interview Conducted by Our Member Amira Maameri with Psychologist Julia Santo, on Unaccompanied Minors Blog | Scott Simon in the CIPS Blog - Science and Technology in Canada-Japan Relations: Facing Together the Challenges of COVID-19 and Beyond Interview | Scott Simon and Colleagues Awi Mona & Jolan Hsieh in a Liberation Interview about Indigenous Rights: In Taiwan, Indigenous Peoples Seek Justice Article | Alex Trebek Postdoc Fellow David Hughes' New Article in the Michigan Journal of International Law - Differentiating the Corporation: Accountability and IHL Article | Jamie Liew in The Conversation: The Atlanta attacks were not just racist and misogynist, they painfully reflect the society we live in Article | Alex Trebek Postdoc Fellow David Hughes' and his coauthor's published in Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law – Something is Not Always Better than Nothing: Problematizing Emerging Forms of Jus Ad Bellum Argument Opinion | Gloria Song's Article in CBC News: Let's Break the Silence on Family Violence and Abuse in Nunavut, Together Opinion | Gloria Song's Article in Nunatsiaq News: Taking Action Against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace on International Women's Day Blog | Scott Simon in the CIPS Blog - Accusation of Genocide: A Tipping Point in China's International Relations? John Packer Contributes to Report Showing Evidence that China Bears State Responsibility for Breaches of the 1948 Genocide Convention Read HRREC Member Rasha Jarhum's Powerful Statement Calling on the UN to Defend the Standard for Women’s Participation and Make Women’s Participation the Norm in All Peace Processes It Supports Read Scott Simon's Article in the CGAI's Publication 2021 Policy Perspectives: How Can Canada Help Facilitate Taiwan's Meaningful Participation in the Montreal-based International Civil Aviation Organization? Interview | Listen to Professor Packer's Interview on the Reaction to Parliament's Motion Labelling China's Persecution of Uighurs a Genocide on the Radio Show All in a Day with Alan Neal Congratulations to Our Member Penelope Simons Who Received an Annual Reviewer Award from the Business and Human Rights Journal to Recognise Her Invaluable Reviewer's Work HRREC and Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer Signed the Open Letter to Federal Leaders: Do Not Expand Anti-Terrorism Laws in the Name of Anti-Racism Our Centre and its Director, Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer, Joined Lawyers and Genocide Experts to Challenge the Article Published by the Economist: 'Genocide' Is the Wrong Word for the Horrors of Xinjiang Watch Professor Packer's Interview on CBC Canada Tonight with Ginella Massa about Parliament Voting in Favour of a Uyghur Genocide Motion HRREC Director is one of the signatories to the Open Letter Calling Iran to end the persecutions of the Bahá'ís Our Human Rights Clinic and Peruvian NGOs Filed a Request Before the IACHR Navraj Kaushick Awarded the Jacques Gaudreau Graduate Scholarship Our Human Rights Clinic Filed an Amicus Brief to the Honduras Court of Appeals Statement on Court Case Against Professor Jan Grabowski - 10.02.2021 Congratulations to HRREC Community Member Professor Olabisi Akinkugbe (Schulich School of Law) Who Received a Dalhousie Belong Research Fellowship Award Read Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer's Op-Ed in The Globe and Mail: Mynmar Was Never Transitioning to Democracy. Now the International Community Know That for Sure. Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer Comments on the Events in Myanmar in the Article by Radio-Canada: Burmese Canadians Demand the Return of Democratic Institutions Congratulations to Our Member Aboubacar Dakuyo Who Successfully Defended His Doctoral Thesis! Read Professor John Packer's Op-Ed in the Ottawa Citizen on Why Murray Sinclair Should Be Canada's Next Governor General Read HRREC Member Sarah Olutola's Article published in Teen Vogue: Josh Hawley's Lost Book Deal Isn't Orwellian. It's a Consequence. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights Cites a Report Drafted by the HRREC Human Rights Clinic Team Welcome to Postdoctoral Fellow David DesBaillets! Virtual Exhibition - IMAGES OF JUSTICE: Children & Human Rights Read HRREC Director & Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer's Op-Ed in The Globe and Mail: Don’t Kid Yourself, America. What Happened at the Capitol Was an Attempted Coup Professor Mona Paré, HRREC Member, Comments in a Radio-Canada Article on the Consequences of Child Labor around the World Congratulations to our member Karen Eltis, designated member of the Quebec Legal Information Society
HRREC News | 2020