Viviana Fernandez contributes to UNESCO Guidelines for Universities Hosting Human Rights Defenders

By University of Ottawa

Human Rights Research and Education Centre, HRREC

Human rights
Front page of the Guidelines for Universities Hosting Human Rights Defenders
Front page of the Guidelines for Universities Hosting Human Rights Defenders.
The University of York launched the “Guidelines for Universities Hosting Human Rights Defenders” which is a UNESCO publication resulting from a year of expert consultations and in person and virtual sessions.

HRREC Associate Director Viviana Fernandez participated in this initiative on behalf of Scholars at Risk uOttawa Program. The Guidelines for Universities Hosting Human Rights Defenders are now available on the UNESCO Chair website.

The document will be shared with universities, NGOs and human rights defenders, and also with universities interested in hosting. They are intended to be a living document and will be regularly updated and revised to reflect developments in practice and new knowledge. Feedback, suggestions and ideas on how to improve the Guidelines can be sent to [email protected].