Research interests
• Law and Violence
• Art and Human Rights
• Sociolegal, Philosophical, and Political Aspects of Human Rights
Omid B. Milani, Ph.D., is a scholar of human rights law and a multimedia artist, interested in interdisciplinary and transformative approaches to the current discourse on human rights. His research interests include a wide range of subjects, e.g. law and aesthetics, domestic and state-sponsored violence, constitutional rights and freedoms, political philosophy, and sociolegal studies of human rights. He is well-versed in diverse legal systems and traditions including International Human Rights Law, Civil/Common Law, Islamic Jurisprudence (Shia Sharia Law), and Customary Law.
His current research focuses on the following themes, namely, friendship as law (critiquing hierarchy in law), current instances and origins of the use of force by the state (e.g. in the Middle East), as well as diversifying the means of expressions in legal scholarship. Throughout his academic career, art has been an inseparable component of his research and teaching. Images of Justice, a yearly satirical cartoon series, which he curated in partnership with the HRREC, is an illustration of his unique way of juxtaposing research findings with artistic expressions to shed light on our ongoing conversations in the field of human rights.