Photo group CAFA Conference

About the project

Scholars at Risk (SAR) is an international network of higher education institutions dedicated to protecting threatened scholars, preventing attacks on higher education communities and promoting academic freedom worldwide. The network protects scholars suffering grave threats to their lives, liberty and well-being by arranging positions of sanctuary at institutions in the network. The University of Ottawa joined the Scholars at Risk Network in 2014.

Since January 2018, the team working in the Scholars at Risk (SAR) in the Americas Project has focused on identifying, verifying, and documenting incidents in several countries in the Americas. From 2018 until October 2022, the monitored countries were Venezuela, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Haiti and Honduras. Starting in November 2022, the focus is on Venezuela, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay and Cuba. Based on the SAR Academic Monitoring Project methodology, the team analyzes regional trends to better understand the state of academic freedom in the Americas and supports initiatives to protect individuals and institutions affected by those threats and attacks.

Project Partner: Scholars at Risk

Academic Advisors : Professors Isaac Nahon-Serfaty and João Velloso

2022 Report on Cases and Trends in Academic Freedom in the Americas

This report was submitted by the Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas (CAFA) to the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in November 2022. The report provides a regional overview of incidents and trends affecting academic freedom in the Americas during 2022. It focuses on two trends: the pervasiveness of attacks on university autonomy and the widespread impact of gender-based violence on university communities.

The report was written in fulfillment of the commitments made by the Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas in the second phase of the Specialized Academic Network for Technical Cooperation in support of the IACHR. This network, composed of Scholars at Risk, the Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC) of the University of Ottawa, and the University of Monterrey, aims to contribute to the monitoring of the situation of academic freedom and university autonomy in the hemisphere and the dissemination and implementation of the Inter-American Principles on Academic Freedom and University Autonomy, adopted by the IACHR in December 2021.

Annual Monitoring Reports to Analyze Regional Trends

Other project activities