Lighted up keyboard.

Accounts, emails and support

Having trouble logging in? See our quick tips and contact information below.

User fee

As of September 2020, a membership fee will be applied to each principal investigator (PI; a PI is generally a Faculty member) requesting access to the INSPIRE core facility services, which includes the following: ISPR, Qualtrics, the INSPIRE Lab, and the developing community pool. This fee is charged once per year or term (depending on the requested membership) to principal investigators and allows access to all of our services for all students or researchers working under their supervision of this PI. PIs using the INSPIRE Lab are responsible for dispersing the funds to disposable materials (e.g., electrodes, gel, swabs, etc.) if applicable. They are also responsible for all programming costs should they choose to hire a programmer to organize stimulus presentation and data collection.    

For more information regarding pricing, please contact us directly.

ISPR account login 

Having trouble logging in for the first time? Use the first half of your uottawa email (the part before the “”) as the username with your student number as the password. Please note, should your student number start with a 0, your password will be the numbers following the 0.      

Example: Email: [email protected] student number 030995763  
ISPR Username: jadam022 ISPR Password: 30995763    

If your login still does not work, it could be that you signed up for a course past the sign up date, and we did not create an account for you because you were not on the original class list. Please email us well before the end of the semester deadline so that we can set up your account. Please visit our page Important dates and deadlines to find out the semester deadline for the ISPR program.

Researcher logins

Having trouble remembering your Qualtrics or Community Pool password? Please email us at [email protected] so that we may reset your password. For ISPR related login issues, please email us at [email protected] for more support. 

Coffee chat

A cup of coffee next to a computer.

Need extra support? Book a virtual coffee chat meeting via email at either [email protected] or [email protected]. Our staff hours are Monday to Friday, between 9am and 4pm.