At its core, the ISPR Community Pool is a way for the general public to get involved in research through INSPIRE and the ISPR Community Pool portal offers an easy solution to access many relevant studies in a single place.
The Community Pool portal offers a variety of interesting research opportunities available for participation. Some studies can be completed online in a few minutes while others may be conducted in-person, and some may use a combination of both. In-person studies may be conducted at the University of Ottawa, or at other sites around the Ottawa city center. Most studies consist of only a single session, but some studies may have multiple sessions spaced out over longer periods of time. Regardless, please be reassured that – as in any studies – members are always free to change their mind.
Studies descriptions on the Community Pool will always provide an outline of what the study entails, including the compensation they offer (e.g., gift cards, cash, etc), as well as how much time and effort it will require.
Additionally, Community Pool members will have the option of registering multiple people under the same email address. For example, if a parent would like to register their children to a research study, they could be registered through the parent’s account. To add a person under your account, please email us.
Ethics and confidentiality are very important to us and discussed further on the Ethics page.