Welcome to the INSPIRE core facility! On this page, you will find everything that a student may find helpful to know about INSPIRE, the ISPR programs, and how to get involved in research. 

What is INSPIRE 

Researcher and student.

INSPIRE is a core facility for researchers to explore the various fields of human behaviour. As a student, the relevant core facility resources for you are the ISPR student pool, the ISPR community pool, the INSPIRE physical testing spaces and other research possibilities INSPIRE offers.  

The ISPR student pool 

The ISPR student pool is a research participation program designed for students enrolled in introductory courses that explore human behaviour and cognition. The goal of this program is to introduce students to research through participation in different research projects. As a student, participating in research is valuable as it allows you to have a better grasp of the research process, and to relate to the topics covered in participating courses via first-hand experience. To learn more about the ISPR student pool program, visit our page ISPR student pool.

Students who wish to participate in the ISPR student pool must be registered in a participating course. You must complete your ISPR credits before the end of each semester. Please refer to our Important dates and deadlines.

The ISPR community pool 

The ISPR community pool is also another way for students to get involved in research. The community pool is our second ISPR database that retains simple information about people who have stated that they are interested in participating in research. Anyone can sign up to participate in the community pool as there is no course participation needed. Once you sign up to the community pool, you will fill out a pre-screen questionnaire regarding your personal background and experiences.  Based on your pre-screening answers, you will be presented with a list of studies in which you can participate. To learn more about our community pool, visit our page ISPR Community pool.  

The INSPIRE physical testing space 

The physical testing space is composed of state-of-the-art technologies such as eye tracking, focus group rooms, and physiological instruments like heart rate monitors. If you are participating in a study that uses our laboratory, you may want to learn more about our testing facility by visiting our Discover the lab page.  

Our office is located in Room 5074 on the fifth floor of the Vanier building, which is part of the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Social Sciences. Visit our page Find the lab for more detailed instructions. 

To learn more about the technologies and research methods you can use in the INSPIRE laboratory, visit our Resources page.