
With the recent announcement that Canada has joined Horizon Europe (HE) as an associated country, Canadian researchers are eligible to collaborate in calls under Pillar II, one of three pillars of the Horizon Europe Programme, entitled Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness. Pillar II is open to all disciplines.

Please refer to the Guide to deepen your understanding of this complex funding program, to navigate the procedure for applying to HE’s various calls, and to benefit from hands-on advice informed by the experience of administrators and researchers.

Also, the Autumn 2024 edition of the Science|Business guide to Horizon Europe programmes is now available. It can be obtained by IREX.



Projects of three-to-five years’ duration typically have 8-to-12 partners per consortium.

Award value

Funding from the Horizon Europe programme offers large grants, which vary depending on the call for proposals.


Deadlines for submitting applications vary depending on each call for proposals. The 2024 calls for proposals are currently displayed on the digital platform of the European Commission.

Calls under the 2023-2024 Work Programme are currently open and will remain open until December 31, 2024. The next Programme will be announced in spring 2025. A final Horizon Europe Work Programme will take place in 2026-2027.


The EU-Canada agreement announced on December 5, 2023, is expected to be finalized in the second half of 2024. Pending this final agreement, Canadian researchers are eligible beneficiaries under a transitional agreement.

Requests for funding for Horizon Europe are submitted through the European Commission’s digital platform. Before submitting a proposal, every consortium participant institution must have an EU login account. Use the EU login platform to create an account and gain access to more information on the HE portal.

The University of Ottawa is already registered with the official portal of the European Commission and its PIC is 999885216.

As with every research application, researchers must complete an RE form via eAwards.

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International Research and Experiential Learning (IREX)
