In 2008, a $22 million CFI grant application, based on the success of the Hatch lab first application, was submitted and ultimately approved for purchasing Canada's only AMS. Many changes occurred over the next few years including the construction of a new building to house the central acquisition of the proposal, a brand new AMS machine, as well as other supporting labs including the G.G. Hatch Stable Isotope Lab. The Lab received a new Thermo Delta+ V IRMS as well as several peripherals: GC Isolink, LC Isolink, Aurora with combustion unit, Isotope Cube, Pyro Cube, etc.
The Hatch Lab team, Paul, Patricia and Wendy, is very proud to have been instrumental in the success of the application.
Gilles St-Jean moved to a new position with other responsibilities. His time was divided between his former duties with Isomass, and over-seeing the developments and planning associated with the new building and eventually became technical manager for the AMS labs.
The Hatch Lab successfully moved entirely over to the new state-of-the-art Advanced Research Complex (ARC) building in April 2014. The month of May was taken up with unpacking and set-up. The Lab was partly up and running by the beginning of June and fully functional within about 6 months.