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We do not accept samples with enriched 14C (often used as a tracer). Any contamination of any amount of enriched 14C ("hot") material may cause thousands of dollars in clean-up and other costs. If you submit "hot" samples to this lab, you may be liable.

For radiogenic isotope analyses please contact the AEL-AMS Laboratory.
André E. Lalonde - Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS)

Our pricing

Price list (Prices in effect from June 1st, 2024.)

Minimum fee applies to each submission
NSERC/Can Gov: 35$
Private/Other: 50$

  • OCGC (Internal) prices: please contact us.
  • Turn around time is usually better than 2 months.
  • A "RUSH" rate is offered:
    1-29 samples = triple the listed price
    30+ samples = double the listed price
  • A discount of $5 per sample off the listed price is applied when the client/student does his or her own preparation work towards the isotopic analysis; for example, weighing of solid or liquid samples into capsules, carbonate weighing and acidification, gas injection, filtration of waters for the LGR, water pipetting and flushing for the Gasbench.
  • Up to 10% duplicates are granted at no additional cost; we can add them in at random, or you can choose them yourself.
  • Coolers can be returned to you for a nominal charge depending on size and weight.  We encourage our clients to take advantage of this service to keep coolers out of the landfill.