All ISSP Events
Explore all recent events hosted by the Institute for Science, Society and Policy.
All recent ISSP events

Food for Thought: Citizen and Community Science: The What, the Who and the How
On Tuesday, February 27th, the Institute for Science, Society and Policy (ISSP) hosted a hybrid edition of Food for Thought featuring Dr. Aleta Quinn,…

Food for Thought: Public Participation in Public Health Decision-Making
On Thursday, January 25th, 2024, the Institute for Science, Society and Public Policy (ISSP) hosted a Food for Thought discussion featuring ISSP direc…

Food for Thought: Motivated Reasoning - Valuing Values or Devaluing Science
On Wednesday, November 29th, the Institute for Science, Society and Public Policy (ISSP) hosted a Food for Thought discussion featuring ISSP director …

Food for Thought: AI, the labour market and inclusiveness
On Wednesday, November 1st, at 12:00PM, the Institute for Science, Society and Public Policy (ISSP) hosts another edition of its Food for Thought seri…

Food for Thought: Launching Confluences
On Thursday, September 28, 2023, the Institute for Science, Society and Policy (ISSP) hosted the first Food for Thought panel discussion of the 2023-2…

Public participation and trust in risk decision-making: How is Canada doing?
On Thursday, May 25 2023, at 12:00 PM, the Institute for Science, Society and Public Policy hosted a special edition Food for Thought to celebrate the…

Pesticides and sensorium: From testimonials to expertise
On Thursday, March 30 2023, at 12:00PM, the Institute for Science, Society and Public Policy hosted Dominique Robert, Associate Professor of Criminolo…

2023 Bromley Memorial Lecture: Dr. Bhavya Lal
On March 21st, 2023, the Institute for Science, Society & Policy traveled to Washington D.C. with a group of graduate & post-doctoral students to atte…

Food for Thought: Research and Training Advances in Solar Power Plants and Photonic Power Conversion
On Thursday, February 23rd 2023, at 12:00PM, the Institute for Science, Society and Policy (ISSP) will host Professor Karin Hinzer, Vice-Dean of Resea…

Cybersecurity at the crossroads of science, society, and policy
On February 15th 2023 at 7PM, the Institute for Science, Society and Policy (ISSP) and the Royal Canadian Institute for Science (RCIScience) will host…

Food for Thought: Science Advice when Evidence is Politicised
On Thursday, January 26th 2023, at 12:00PM, the Institute for Science, Society and Policy (ISSP) will host Professor Jeremy Kerr, Chair of the Departm…

Food for Thought: Trust & Expertise in Business-Government Relations
On Thursday, December 8th, at 12:00 PM, the Institute for Science, Society and Policy will host Patrick Leblond, Associate Professor, School of Public…

The Anniversary Play & Panel – CSPC
A unique arts-science collaboration from the Institute for Science, Society and Policy (ISSP), the Faculty of Arts and Department of Theatre, and the …

Implementing equity, diversity, and inclusiveness (EDI) in Canadian science policy: What have we learnt so far? What is the path forward?
On November 3rd, 2022, the ISSP will host a virtual panel as part of the 2022 Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC) titled Implementing equity, d…

Food for Thought: Good practices for EDI in research, teaching, and knowledge mobilization at the interface of science, society and policy
On September 29th 2022, the ISSP is hosting Food for Thought, a virtual panel discussion, on its new project report, titled From concept to action: Go…

Food for Thought: Social acceptability and distributive justice
On Thursday, May 12, at 12:00 PM, the Institute for Science, Society and Policy hosted Prof. Louis Simard, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP and Associate Profe…

2022 Bromley Memorial Event: Mona Nemer
On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, at 4:30 PM, the Institute for Science, Society and Policy at the University of Ottawa and the Institute for Internationa…

Alimenter la réflexion : Monsanto et la chaîne de production de glyphosate
On Thursday, March 31, at 12:00 PM, the Institute for Science, Society and Policy will host Prof. Eda Kranakis, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP and Full Profe…

Alimenter la réflexion : Les aspects sociaux des systèmes socio-technologiques
On Thursday, February 24, at 12:00 PM, the Institute for Science, Society and Policy will host Prof. Chelsea Schelly, 2022 Fulbright Research Chair in…

Citizen Science: Forging New Relationships between Science, Policy, and the Public
On Tuesday, February 8, from 1:00 PM to 2:15 PM, RCIScience and the Institute for Science, Society, and Policy were happy to host a panel discussing t…