The Fulbright Visiting Research Chairs enable promising and prominent American scholars, as well as experienced professionals to conduct research, develop collaborations, guest lecture and/or teach at select Canadian universities and research centers, normally for one semester, though this may be extended to a full academic year.
As of September 2014, a Fulbright Visiting Research Chair will contribute to the activities of the Science, Society and Policy Network of the University of Ottawa and be housed at the ISSP. The chairholder will have the opportunity to interact with faculty members from a number of different faculties (Arts, Engineering, Law, Management, Medicine, Science and Social Science) and participate in projects concerned with policy to enhance S&T innovation, science/policy integration, and the governance of emerging technologies. The location in Ottawa in combination with the ISSP network will enable the chairholder to address joint U.S. – Canada interests, bilateral activities, and carry out comparative analyses. The chairholder will also contribute to the development of the emerging graduate program of the ISSP in the social and policy dimensions of S&T innovation and contribute to major activities such as the conference “Science and Society 2013: Emerging Agendas for Citizens and the Sciences” and the International Bromley Lecture and Event (in collaboration with George Washington University).