ISSP Network News

Clicks and particulates: Value, alienation, and attunement as unifying themes in big data studies
New article in the Sage Journals co-authored by Professor Kelly Bronson, Core Member of the ISSP.
Editing the Film Loop in Canada’s Science Policy and the Research Funding Ecosystem
New article in the CSPC authored by Professor Paul DuFour, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
New article in the MDPI co-authored by Professor Georges Wolbring, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
« Voyage de Justin Trudeau en Asie : guerre et commerce au menu »
Professor Patrick LeBlond, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, quoted in article in Radio Canada.
The psychometric evaluation of the nursing cultural competence scale: A multicenter study
New article in the Professioni Infermieristiche co-authored by Professor Rukhsana Ahmed, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP.
“The Importance of Values for Science”
New publication in the Interdisiplinary Science Reviews authored by Professor Heather Douglas, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
New article in the Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work co-authored by Professor Rukhsana Ahmed, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP.
Presentation and participation to panel discussion (online) UN World Data Forum 2023, Hangzhou by Professor Rukhsana Ahmed, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP.
House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Industry and Technology on Bill C-34
Professor Patrick LeBlond, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, witness (in person) to the proposed law to amend the Investment Canada Act, Parliament of Canada, Ottawa.
New article in the Journal of Health and Communications co-authored by Professor Rukhsana Ahmed, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP.
University of Waterloo advises researchers they aren’t obligated to talk to CSIS agents
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, quoted in article in The Globe & Mail.
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, quoted in article in the Toronto Star.
Trois universités québécoises mènent des projets de recherche secrets avec Huawei
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, quoted in article in Le Journal de Montréal.
Reshoring, Friendshoring and Decoupling of Supply Chains: Implications for Canada
Centre for International Policy Studies panel co-organized by Professor Patrick LeBlond, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP.
Professor Mitia Rioux-Beaulne receives CRSH Insight grant, titled "Forces à l'oeuvre Diderot et l'écriture matérialiste de l'histoire de l'esprit humain"
A new project spanning five years. This project will study the historical thinking of Denis Diderot (1713-1784), a philosopher of the French Enlightenment and the driving force behind the Encyclopedia, through the prism of the relationship he established between the development of knowledge and culture and the material and social conditions of their production and transmission (academies, encyclopedia, schools, etc.)
New developments in governance of cross-border data flows: Data strategies and trade negotiations
Participation (online) of Professor Patrick LeBlond, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, in panel TA12.19, April 25, UN World Data Forum 2023, Hangzhou, China
Participation (online) of Professor Patrick LeBlond, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, in panel by Institue for China-America Studies.
Differentiating Scientific Inquiry and Politics
New publication in the Cambridge University Press by Professor Heather Douglas, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
New publication in the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS) by Professor Pascale Massot, ISSP Faculty Affiliate.
Where is Bao Fan? Missing Chinese executive reflects unstable business climate
An article in the Globe & Mail by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
Telfer Research Seminar Series and Telfer Research Forum organized by Mariam Humayun, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP.
A blog in Substack by Nigel Cameron, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
The Current with Matt Galloway
Radio interview in CBC by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
An article in the MDPI, co-authored by by Gregor Wolbring, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
Symposium held on January 19-20 2023. Click here to watch the recordings.
Potential Impact of Environmental Activism: A Survey and a Scoping Review
An article in the MDPI by Gregor Wolbring, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
Please Wear a Mask - Episode One
Interview in The Trust Race podcast by Heather Douglas, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
People-centric health data should be front and centre at first Ministers meeting on health care
An article in the Toronto Star Newspaper by Michael Wolfson, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP.
Ottawa vows to curb Canadian university research with Chinese military scientists
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, quoted in article in The Globe & Mail.
Ottawa’s new health funding is tied to better data. What will that really mean?
An article in the Globe and Mail by Michael Wolfson, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP.
Radio interviews on January 2023 North American Leaders' Summit in Mexico
Radio Interview by Professor Patrick Leblond, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, on the January 2023 North American Leaders' Summit in Mexico with Radio Canada's Midi-Info and Radio Canada's L'Heure du Monde.
An article in the MDPI by Gregor Wolbring, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
Canadian universities conducting joint research with Chinese military scientists
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, quoted in article in The Globe & Mail.
An article in the MDPI, co-authored by by Gregor Wolbring, Senior Fellow of the ISSP.
What makes science trustworthy? A guide for the public
An article in the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab by Heather Douglas, ISSP Senior Fellow.
An article in the Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, co-authored by Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate.
Article 8 - CETA as the EU’s First Third-Generation Trade Agreement: Does It Act Like One?
An article in the Perspectivas Journal of Political Science, co-authored by Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate.
Australia and Canada in the Indo-Pacific: Middle Power Allies Should Coordinate Strategies
A publication by the Centre for International Policy Studies, co-authored by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, ISSP Senior Fellow.
Wiley Online Library: "Social Media: Migrant Health"
Professor Rukhsana Ahmed, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, makes an entry into the Wiley Online Library.
New journal article in the International Journal of Migration Health and Social Care by Professor Rukhsana Ahmed, ISSP Faculty Affiliate.
Global Gathering: A Better Place for Everyone
Nigel Cameron, ISSP Senior Fellow, to host a session on the Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies at this conference by Planet Masters.
A Digital Trade Strategy for Canada Rests on Three Pillars
New publication by the CN-Tellier Chair on Business and Public Policy and Professor Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate.
Professor Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, speaks at Cirano's Conference on the hidden aspects of the digitization of international trade.
Stratégie Indo-Pacifique du Canada: Il faut accorder une plus grande place à l'économie numérique
Article publication by Professor Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, in La Presse+.
Un nouveau chapitre pour la politique étrangère au Canada
Radio interview by Professor Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, in ICI Radio-Canada.
Modernité et academies scientifiques européennes
Edited volume publication by Professor Mitia Rioux-Beaulne, ISSP Faculty Affiliate.
Gouvernance de l’eau, agence et participation publique : enjeux et impératifs au Canada
Contributions by Professor Louis Simard in new book published by the University of Ottawa's Forum on Water Law and Governance.
Ontario Finalizes Electrification and Energy Transition Panel
Professor Monica Gattinger, ISSP Director and Chair of Positive Energy, was appointed on Ontario's Electrification and Energy Transition Panel.
Why the governance –and funding– of Canada’s research ecosystem needs a 21st century blueprint
Article authored by Paul Dufour, ISSPSenior Fellow, for the Canadian Science Policy Centre (CSPC).
Article co-authored by Professor Gregor Wolbring, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, for MDPI.
Auditing the ‘Social’ Using Conventions, Declarations, and Goal Setting Documents: A Scoping Review
Article co-authored by Professor Gregor Wolbring, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, for MDPI.
International Conference: Envision Humanity 2023
Panel featuring Nigel Cameron, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, speaking on water policy.
Fostering International Research and Collaboration in 2023 and Beyond
International panel featuring Professor Rees Kassen, ISSP Core Member, for the AGU Fall Meeting.
There are 8 years left to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but is it enough time?
Article co-authored by Professor Rees Kassen, ISSP Core Member, for The Conversation.
IOG's Government Science and Innovation in the New Normalproject releases new publications
Louise Earl, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, and Jeff Kinder, Executive-in-Residence of the ISSP, each co-authored 3-4 discussion papers:
- Inclusive Innovation
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Skills & Knowledge
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- Indigenous and Other Ways of Knowing
- Mission-driven Research and Innovation
The SMART Cities Training Platform is held it’s first Annual Healthy Cities Conference
Inclusive Innovation Lead Sandra Schillo participated in a panel on Indigenous Health and Healthy Communities as Entry Point for Societal-Scale Innovation and System Transformation. A recording of the session will be made available soon.
The i2Hub Fall 2023 engagement sessions are officially completed
In total, 10 meetings with Professor Sandra Schillo, Core Member of the ISSP, were held that saw really great engagement and ideas for action proposed by the respective groups involved. A report summarizing the sessions and outlining next steps for the i2Hub is expected in Spring 2023.
Professor Patrick Fafard, ISSP Core Member, uOttawa, joins York University's Global Strategy Lab (GSL).
A Mitacs project developed in collaboration with Professor Sandra Schillo, Core Member of the ISSP, titled "Exploring Social Media Data to Understand How Stakeholders Value Local Food: A Canadian Study Using Twitter" has been selected as Editor's Choice Article by MPDI's Sustainability Journal.
Article co-authored by Dr. Dee Williams, 2017 Fulbright at the ISSP, for Frontiers in Climate.
Fostering International Research and Collaboration in 2023 and Beyond
Panel featuring Professor Rees Kassen, ISSP Core Member, for American Geophysical Union.
A Digital Trade Strategy for Canada
Panel featuring Professor Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, as a presenter for CN-Tellier Chair.
“Canada and China: A Fifty-Year Journey” - Book Launch (YouTube link)
Book launch panel featuring Professor Pascale Massot, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, for the University of British Columbia.
Conversations sur les 20 ans de l’OCPM : Quels enseignements et quelles perspectives pour demain?
Panel featuring Professor Louis Simard, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP.
The Foresight Lens of Science Diplomacy for a Disrupted Era
Article written by Prof. Paul Dufour, ISSP Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor, uOttawa, for Science & Diplomacy.
72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference
Professor Rukhsana Ahmed, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, participated in the following conference presentations:
- Knowledge, attitude, and behavior about COVID-19: The roles of health literacy and English proficiency among Korean immigrants in the U.S. Paper
- COVID-19 knowledge, attitude, practice and vaccine-related decision making among immigrants in North America: A cross-sectional Study
Communication research on health disparities and coping strategies in COVID-19 related crises
Journal article co-written by Professor Rukhsana Ahmed, ISSP Faculty Affiliate.
Journal article co-written by Professor Rukhsana Ahmed, ISSP Faculty Affiliate.
MASc thesis on tackling sustainable net zero energy buildings from a life cycle thinking approach
MASc thesis successfully defended by Eslam Elshorbagy, ISSP Collaborative Master's participant.
Principles of risk decision-making
Journal co-written by Patricia Larkin, ISSP Senior Research Associate.
Responsible Science in the Space of Inquiry: Rethinking the Social Contract
Webinar featuring Prof. Heather Douglas, ISSP Senior Fellow, for Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
The Essentiality of Shared Values for Trust in Scientific Expertise (link to slides)
Workshop featuring Prof. Heather Douglas, ISSP Senior Fellow, for UC Irvine.
Public Procurement under CETA Chapter 19
Publication featuring Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, for McGill-Queen's University Press.
Innovative Models for Digital Trade Agreements
Webinar featuring Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, for Digital Trade Day, Trade Experettes.
Global computer chip shortage concerns grow as pressure from China on Taiwan increases
Article featuring Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, ISSP Senior Fellow, uOttawa, for the Toronto Star.
Alberta relaxes some restrictions on university partnerships with links to Chinese government
Article featuring Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, ISSP Senior Fellow, uOttawa, for The Globe and Mail.
Global Water Policy: The Core Challenges for the Next Decade
Panel featuring Nigel Cameron, ISSP Senior Fellow, uOttawa, for the Global Gathering.
Working Together to Rebuild Trust and Manage Uncertainty
Forum hosted by Professor Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for CN-Tellier.
Book Launch: The Immaculate Conception of Data
Following Dr. Kelly Bronson's new book The Immaculate Conception of Data, this event offers a look into the struggle to control the food system and the role big data holds in this power play. Register here.
Improving Society’s Trust in Science
Inclusive Innovation Research Cluster Lead, Sandra Schillo, in partnership with the Institute on Governance, has received a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Development Grant for a research project titled “Beyond endless frontiers: Rethinking the social contract for science and innovation.”
Professor Sandra Schillolaunches the Inclusive Innovation Hub (i2Hub) as a space for experimentation, learning and excellence on inclusive innovation. Over the fall, the i2Hub will engage with many groups (see To join the government session, see this invitation and register here.
Regulators: Disrupted by change or disruptors bringing change? (link to PDF)
Column written by Monica Gattinger, ISSP Director and Chair of Positive Energy, uOttawa, and David Morton, for ICER Chronicle Edition 12.
The Immaculate Conception of Data: Agribusiness, Activists, and Their Shared Politics of the Future
Book written by Prof. Kelly Bronson, ISSP Core Member, uOttawa.
Beijing Olympics: Should Canada Go?
Interviewing featuring Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow at the ISSP, uOttawa, for Unpublished Ottawa.
As China flexes its muscles in the Indo-Pacific, Canada and Australia must step up
Article co-written by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, ISSP Senior Fellow, uOttawa, for The Conversation Global.
Science Advisors and Their Futures
Article written by Prof. Paul Dufour, ISSP Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor, uOttawa, for CSPC.
What Canada’s new innovation agency can learn from the rest of the world
Interview featuring Prof. Paul Dufour, ISSP Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor, uOttawa, for Research Money Inc.
International case studies and the need for a national regulatory task force
Interview featuring Prof. Monica Gattinger, ISSP Director and Chair of Positive Energy, uOttawa, and Michael Cleland, Executive-in-Residence, Positive Energy, for the Electricity Canada Podcast.
How Brand Hive Minds Thrive: Understanding Bitcoin’s Resilience
Article co-written by Prof. Mariam Humayun, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for Cryptoeconomic Systems.
Canada's Huawei decision as well as China in the Arctic
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, ISSP Senior Fellow, uOttawa, was featured in the following outlets on the topic:
Integrating Science and Politics for Public Health
Book edited by Prof. Patrick Fafard, ISSP Core Member, uOttawa, for SpringerLink.
The Policy Needs Shaping Science within Parliament
Article written by Prof. Paul Dufour, ISSP Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor, uOttawa, for CSPC.
Addressing the Reproducibility Crisis: A Response to Hudson
Journal co-written by Prof. Heather Douglas, ISSP Senior Fellow, uOttawa, for the Journal for General Philosophy of Science.
Is the New US-Led Data Privacy Forum Just Another Noodle in the Regulatory Soup?
Article written by Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for Centre for International Governance Innovation.
Is Canada’s digital-trade policy decided in Washington?
Article written by Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for iPolitics.
Beyond GDP: The idea of global sustainability accounting
Working paper co-written by Marc Saner, Lead, Science Advice Cluster, uOttawa, for ESCAP.
Regulating for Net Zero 2035 & 2050 (YouTube link to recording)
Panel featuring Prof. Monica Gattinger, ISSP Director and Chair of Positive Energy, uOttawa, and Michael Cleland, Executive-in-Residence, Positive Energy, for the Electricity Canada Regulatory Forum.
Article featuring Prof. Michael Wolfson, Faculty Affiliate at the ISSP, uOttawa, for The Globe and Mail,
L’ACÉUM et le commerce numérique
Article co-written by Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for Société québécoise de droit international.
Budget fédéral : analyse économique avec Patrick Leblond
Interview featuring Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, on the 'Dans la mosaïque' Podcast - Radio-Canada.
Article featuring Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for the Centre for European Studies, Carleton University.
Listen to Prof. Rees Kassen on CBC's All in a Day
Interview featuring Prof. Rees Kassen, ISSP Core Member, for CBC Radio.
Panel featuring Prof. Rukhsana Ahmed, Faculty Affiliate at the ISSP, uOttawa, for Refugee 613.
Why Canadian pension plans should divest from China
Op-ed co-written by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, ISSP Senior Fellow, uOttawa, for The Ottawa Citizen.
Power Breakfast Series - Greening the Grid: Ontario’s Net-Zero Mix (link to recording)
Panel featuring Prof. Monica Gattinger, ISSP Director and Chair of Positive Energy, for the Toronto Region Board of Trade.
Les États-Unis interdisent les importations du pétrole russe
Article featured Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for Radio-Canada.
Le prix du nickel ballonné par le conflit en Ukraine
Article featured Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for Radio-Canada.
Canada requires a new, effective and inclusive science advisory architecture
Article written by Prof. Paul Dufour,ISSP Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor, uOttawa, and Jeff Kinder, ISSP Senior Fellow, uOttawa, for Research Money Inc.
Op-ed written by Nik Nanos and Prof. Monica Gattinger, ISSP Director and Chair of Positive Energy, uOttawa, for The Hill Times.
Ottawa’s Emissions Reductions Plan Missing Key Ingredients For Success
Op-ed written by Prof. Monica Gattinger, ISSP Director and Chair of Positive Energy, uOttawa, for the Daily Oil Bulletin.
Will Energy Security Unite Or Divide Canadians?
Op-ed written by Prof. Monica Gattinger, ISSP Director and Chair of Positive Energy, uOttawa, for the Daily Oil Bulletin.
Overcoming Consensus-Building Barriers: Report Studies Polarization Of Energy/Climate Issues
Article featured Brendan Frank, ISSP Senior Research Associate at the ISSP, uOttawa, for Daily Oil Bulletin.
On Canada’s precarious climate politics
Op-ed written by Brendan Frank, ISSP Senior Research Associate at the ISSP, uOttawa, for The National Observer.
How authorities are targeting the ‘freedom convoy’ money via the Emergencies Act
Article written by Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for The Conversation.
Alberta at Noon with Judy Aldous: Is the Emergencies Act necessary?
Interview with Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for CBC.
Business experts say protest puts Ottawa on the map — in the wrong way
Article featuring Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for CBC.
Investissement Québec (IQ) embauche à pleines portes
Article featuring Prof. Patrick Leblond, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa, for Journal de Montréal.
Swabbing floors to detect COVID-19 could be a useful indicator of the disease’s spread
Article co-written by Prof. Rees Kassen, ISSP Core Member, uOttawa, for The Conversation.
Canadian Trucker Protest is 'Racially Charged' (available in German only)
Article written by Mascha Gugganig, ISSP Postdoctoral Fellow, uOttawa, for Die Presse.
Privacy outrage over the use of cellphone data by public health officials is unwarranted
Article written by Prof. Michael Wolfson, Faculty Affiliate at the ISSP, uOttawa for The Globe and Mail.
Coverage of Disabled People in Environmental-Education-Focused Academic Literature
Article co-written by Prof. Gregor Wolbring, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa, for MDPI.
There are multiple reasons to ban Huawei from selling equipment for Canada's 5G system
Article featuring a quote from Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow at the ISSP, uOttawa, for Politico.
What’s happening to Uyghur children in China is despicable
Op-ed written by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow at the ISSP, uOttawa, for The Ottawa Citizen
Under the spotlight: understanding the role of the Chief Medical Officer in a pandemic
Essay co-written by Prof. Patrick Fafard, Core Member of the ISSP, uOttawa for the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.
The Future of Regulatory Science Advice: Pacing, Adaptation and Denial (PDF download link)
Column written by Prof. Marc Saner, Inaugural Director and Core Member of the ISSP, uOttawa for INGSA 2021.
Article co-written by Prof. Rukhsana Ahmed, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa, In K. Liberman & K. Wright (Eds.), Casing mediated communication (pp. 275 -292).
Canada Research Chairs and Genome Canada celebrate 20-year anniversaries
The University Affairs article, quoting Paul Dufour, ISSP Senior Fellow, uOttawa.
Numerous national security concerns would have rejected the Shandong Gold-TMAC takeover
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa, for BNN Bloomberg News.
China's continuing so-called Wolf Diplomacy with Canada
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa, for The Roy Green show podcast.
Interview with Professor Michael Wolfson, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa, for CBC Ottawa Morning with Robyn Bresnahan.
Christmas campaign calls for release of Canadians held in China
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa, for the US Public Radio PRX program The World.
Canada Energized: What Is The Country’s Need For An R&D Strategy And Innovation Agenda?
The Daily Oil Bulletin, written by Carter Haydu, quoting Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Entente commerciale transitoire avec le Royaume-Uni, et une zone de libre-échange en Asie
Interview with Professor Patrick Leblond, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa, for Radio-Canada Ici Première show Désautels le dimanche.
The role of Chief Medical Officers of Health in Canada (audio link)
Interview with Professor Patrick Fafard, Core Member of the ISSP, uOttawa, by CBC Calgary Eyeopener with David Gray and Angela Knight
Can asparagus help repair a spinal cord?
Interview with Professor Andrew Pelling, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa, for CBC Ottawa Morning with Robyn Bresnahan.
Concerns over mixed messaging in Alberta amid COVID-19 pandemic
Interview with Prof. Rukhsana Ahmed, Associate Professor, University of Albany, State University of New York and Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa, for Global News.
Chief science adviser wants position to become ‘part of the fabric of our country’
The Hill Times article, quoting Paul Dufour, ISSP Senior Fellow, uOttawa.
The state of science policy in Canada
Podcast with Paul Dufour, ISSP Senior Fellow, uOttawa.
Fifty years of Canada-China relations are nothing to celebrate until our citizens are home
Op-ed written by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa for the Ottawa Citizen.
Survey Says: Canadian Views Not All That Polarized On Energy, Environment Issues
The Daily Oil Bulletin article, discussing the survey analyisis on Positive Energy's Polarization over Energy and Climate in Canada: Oil and Gas.
Taiwanese bird group is latest casualty in the battle for independence from China
The National Post, quoting Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa.
People of colour make up 66% of Ottawa's COVID-19 cases
CBC article, quoting Prof. Rukhsana Ahmed, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa.
Trottinettes électriques : décision judicieuse de la ville ?
Article from La Rotonde, quoting Professor Ryan Katz-Rosene, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Canada’s Just Transition Task Force can offer lessons for a green recovery
Op-ed by Brendan Frank, Positive Energy Interim Research Director and Sébastien Girard Lindsay, Positive Energy Research member and uOttawa Ph.D. candidate, for The National Observer.
Why some of Canada's richest millennials want to pay more taxes
The CBC article, with a quote by Professor Patrick Leblond, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa.
What Canadians think about the future of oil and gas
Op-ed by Monica Gattinger, Chair, Positive Energy; Rafael Aguirre, Positive Energy Research team; Stephen Bird, Faculty Affiliate, Positive Energy and Brendan Frank, Interim Research Director, Positive Energy, uOttawa for Policy Options, discussing the new Positive Energy survey Polarization over Energy and Climate in Canada: Oil and Gas.
La Maison Blanche retire les taxes sur l'aluminium canadien
Radio-Canada Interview with Professor Patrick Leblond, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa.
Calls for Canada to block China from sensitive research
CBC's The National story, quoting Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Un vaste réseau d’arnaque amoureuse démantelé jusqu’en Outaouais
The Radio-Canada article, quoting Professor Martine Lagacé, Advisory Committee Member and Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Experts call on Canadian universities to close off China's access to sensitive research
Article by The CBC, quoting Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa.
China defends pressing MPs to avoid meeting Hong Kong dissidents, Dalai Lama
Article by The Globe and Mail, quoting Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Ottawa must put data first and tie to health funding
Op-ed by Michael Wolfson, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP and Member of the Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics, uOttawa, for The Star
Hyperloop proposal back on track as Alberta government reaches agreement
Article from News 1130 about the new Alberta Hyperloop, quoting Professor Ryan Katz-Rosene, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Le retour à l'école nous concerne tous !
Op-ed written by Professor Jennifer Wallner, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, uOttawa and Professor Patrick Leblond, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa for La Presse, about the webinar The Benefits & Challenges of Sending Children Back to School.
Responses to Covid-19: A Ragged Global Patch-Work So What For Canada?
From May 12 to June 2, 2020, the produced four online discussions on the patchwork of responses by Canada and the world to the Covid-19 pandemic. Eminent global thinkers, leaders of organizations and businesses, accomplished academics, and Indigenous individuals from Canada, Germany and the USA were invited as speakers, including Professor Sandra Schillo, Core Member and Lead of the ISSP Inclusive Innovation Research Cluster.
L'Ontario lance une enquête sur les ratés de ses foyers de soins de longue durée
Interview by Professor Martine Lagacé, Advisory Committee Member and Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa to ICI RDI.
Ottawa teeters on knife edge as COVID-19 cases mount
Article by the CBC, with a quote from Professor Stacey Smith?, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa.
Trade alliance could ease Canada’s China dependence
Article by the Business in Vancouver, quoting Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa.
The Hill Times article, written by Aidan Chamandy, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy.
After Britain, Canada may ban Huawei
Article by Izvestia, in Russian, quoting Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Depending on the browser, such as Google Chrome, the article can be translated into English or French.
Article written by Professor Michael Orsini, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa, with Professor Francisco Ortega, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), for the Global Public Health Journal.
Why R0 Is Problematic for Predicting COVID-19 Spread
Article by The Scientist, with a quote from Professor Robert Smith?, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa.
Se Tenir Ferme Face au Chantage
Blog post written by Professor André Laliberté, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, for the Centre for International Policy Studies, uOttawa.
China's Threats on Behalf of Huawei are Becoming Desperate
Op-ed written by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa for the Globe and Mail.
Quelle marge de manoeuvre a l'Occident face à la Chine?
Radio-Canada article with a quote by Professor Patrick Leblond, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa
La Presse article with a quote by Professor Patrick Leblond, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa
New national security law passed for Hong Kong raises concern in Vancouver
Article by the Vancouver Sun, quoting Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Interview with Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director, ISSP, uOttawa to EnergiMedia’s Zoffee with Markham Hislop, to discuss polarization over energy and climate issues.
Does tweeting about research attract more citations?
Chemistry World article with a quote by Professor Stefanie Haustein, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa.
There are no good options in dealing with China, but we should not choose the worst one
Op-ed written by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa for the Vancouver Sun.
« Il faut nous voir comme essentiels » : des proches aidants lancent un cri du coeur
Interview by Professor Martine Lagacé, Advisory Committee Member and Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa to ICI Radio-Canada.
Modelling Global Outbreaks and Proliferation of COVID-19
Paper co-written by Robert Smith?, ISSP Faculty Affiliate, uOttawa for SIAM News.
Emergence and Resilience of Decentralized Brands: Cryptocurrencies
Telfer School of Management interview with Professor Mariam Humayun, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa.
Canadian citizens detained in China formally charged with espionage
Article by Business in Vancouver, quoting Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Staleness Control for Edge Data Analytics
Paper co-written by Professor Melike Erol-Kantarci, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP and published by the Association for Computer Machinery.
COVID-19 shutdowns will give wildlife only short-term relief from climate change and other threats
Op-ed by Peter Soroye, Tim Newbold and ISSP Core member Jeremy Kerr, uOttawa for The Conversation.
Monica Gattinger named University of Ottawa Press Editorial Board Chair
Associate Vice-President, Research, Promotion and Development Martine Lagacé announces the nomination of Monica Gattinger as Chair of the University of Ottawa Press Editorial Board, for a three-year mandate. Professor Gattinger, who has been a member of the Editorial Board since 2012, succeeds Robert Major, who had been Chair since 2011.
Vaccin contre la COVID-19 : le Canada doit agir pour éviter la « prédation »
Radio-Canada article, with a quote by Professor Patrick Fafard, Core Member of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Ottawa's Spiderwort closes US$2.5M seed round to fuel biomaterial research
The Ottawa Business Journal article, discussing the Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP and uOttawa Professor Andrew Pelling's lab, where students experiment in "biohacking".
Rapport accablant des Forces armées canadiennes (video link)
Interview by Professor Martine Lagacé, Advisory Committee Member and Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa to ICI RDI.
Watch Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP uOttawa discussing Sino-Canadian relations in the Covid-19 era.
Mettons-nous tous les aînés dans le même panier? (video file)
Interview by Professor Martine Lagacé, Advisory Committee Member and Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa to the Radio-Canada Téléjournal Ottawa-Gatineau.
China must not shape the future of human rights at the UN
Op-ed co-written by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa and Kyle Matthews, Executive Director of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies at Concordia University, for The Conversation.
Who should we really be testing for COVID-19?
Op-ed by Professor Michael Wolfson, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP and Member of the Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics, uOttawa, for The Star.
Discrimination des personnes âgées : une crise annoncée, selon des spécialistes (Audio file)
Interview by Professor Martine Lagacé, Advisory Committee Member and Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa to the Radio-Canada show Samedi et rien d'autre.
Canada's top doctor has many fans — but she's also facing a backlash
The Politico article, with a quote by Professor Patrick Fafard, Core Member of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Despite lofty goals, Canada's greenhouse emissions aren't improving
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy.
Politicians and scientists need strong connections during the coronavirus crisis — and beyond
Op-ed co-written, among others, by Kin Chan, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP, uOttawa and by Jackie Dawson, Core Member and Lead of the ISSP Arctic Change Research Cluster, uOttawa, for The Conversation.
Monica Gattinger is a Canada Clean50 energy leader
Congratulations to Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP, uOttawa, for being among Canada's Clean50 leaders on Earth Day on the Globe and Mail.
uOttawa’s Monica Gattinger Wins Prestigious Clean50 Sustainability Award (uOttawa media release - October 2019)
Scientists cut peer review corners as demand for COVID-19 information grows
Global News article, with a quote by Professor Rees Kassen, Core Member, ISSP, uOttawa
Le Devoir article, with a quote by Professor Patrick Fafard, Core Member of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Est-ce ainsi que nous voulons vieillir ?
La Presse article, with a quote by Professor Martine Lagacé, Advisory Committee Member and Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, and by Michèle Stanton-Jean, Advisory Committee Member, ISSP, uOttawa
Comment les Canadiens perçoivent-ils la COVID-19? (audio file)
Interview by Professor Patrick Fafard, Core Member of the ISSP, uOttawa to the Radio-Canada show L'heure de pointe Toronto/Windsor, commenting about the Canadian COVID-19 Social Impacts Survey, developed by Eric Kennedy from York University.
Situation d’urgence dans les résidences pour personnes âgées (audio file)
Interview by Professor Martine Lagacé, Advisory Committee Member and Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, uOttawa to the Radio-Canada show Sur le vif.
Can language drive polarization in the fight against climate change? (PDF file, 213 KB)
Op-ed article written by Marisa Beck, Research Director, Positive Energy and Monica Gattinger, Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa, for The Hill Times.
Originally published by The Hill Times on April 9, 2020
La gestion de la pandémie par les gouvernements (audio file)
Interview by Professor Patrick Fafard, Core Member of the ISSP, uOttawa to the Radio-Canada show Les matins d'ici.
Nunavut artists will take a hit from this year’s Arctic cruise ban
The Nunatsiaq News article, with a quote by Professor Jackie Dawson, Core Member and Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy at the ISSP uOttawa
Mitigating the epidemic: uOttawa at the heart of Canada’s response to COVID-19
Patrick Fafard, a Core Member of the ISSP, has been awarded funding through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to conduct research on Covid-19. Professor Fafard will head up an international team of researchers that will investigate how senior government officials communicate public health advice. The research will also assess the extent to which the public understands and trusts government messaging. This research will contribute to public health response strategies for mitigating the spread of infectious disease in Canada, as well as in four other countries with similar health systems.
China kidnapped two Canadians. What will it take to free them?
Article from Maclean's, written by Nick Taylor-Vaisey and Jason Markusoff, with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current state of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Part 3: How to Chart a Positive Path Forward On Energy and Environment
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
U.S. sends top adviser to warn Ottawa against Huawei 5G networks
The Globe and Mail article, written by Steven Chase and Robert Fife, with quotes by Professor Pascale Massot, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP.
Canada Faces Growing Debate Over Energy Jobs, Climate Fight
Article from Bloomberg Environment, written by James Munson, with a quote by Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy, University of Ottawa.
Balancing Canada's energy policy with climate
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy, University of Ottawa, to BNN Bloomberg News.
Relations avec la Chine : le monde se transforme et le Canada doit s'adapter
New publication by Professor Pascale Massot, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP, available at the Université de Montréal - The Montreal Centre for International Studies.
New Report on Open Government in Canada
Here is the evaluation report of the federal government’s fourth open government action plan, written by Professor Daniel Paré, Core member of the ISSP.
Open Government Partnership (OGP)
Part 2: Divisions Exist, But Canadians And Energy/Environment Leaders Aren’t Necessarily Polarized
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Indigenous people help develop better Arctic shipping routes
The Hill article, written by Sophie Yeo, about the collaboration between experts and local indigenous people to develop new shipping routes through the region that minimize harm, with a quote by Professor Jackie Dawson, Core Member and Leader of the Arctic Change ISSP Research Cluster.
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Privacy and data should be a top priority for ‘energetic’ Innovation Minister Bains, say experts
The Hill Times article, written by Aidan Chamandy, with a quote from Paul Dufour,Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP.
Inclusive innovation must be part of a new social contract
Op-ed for the Hill Times by Jeff Kinder, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, uOttawa and Sandra Schillo, Core Member and co-leader of the Inclusive Innovation Research cluster of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Climate change contributes to widespread declines among bumble bees across continents
Report published on Science and written by Peter Soroye, Tim Newbold and ISSP Core member Jeremy Kerr, University of Ottawa.
Bumblebees are dying across North America and Europe as the climate warms, scientists say (The Washington Post)
Climate Change: It’s a Buzzkill for Bumblebees, Study Finds (The New York Times)
Bumblebees are going extinct in a time of ‘climate chaos’ (National Geographic)
Taiwan president’s re-election could signal diplomatic shift in China: analysts
Article from The Hill Times, written by Samantha Wright Allen, with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Britain has chosen a 4G solution for a 5G system. That’s not going to work
Op-ed by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, for the The Globe and Mail, commenting about Britain's decision on its 5g network.
Online platform allows researchers to claim credit for grant peer review
Article by Chemical and Engineering News, written by Dalmeet Chawla, with a quote from Professor Stefanie Haustein, Faculty Affiliate, ISSP and Assistant Professor, Department of Information Studies, Faculty of Arts, uOttawa.
Article from The Tyee, written by Andrew Nikiforuk, about Huawei in Canada, citing the Macdonald-Laurier Institute paper Dealing with the New China: How Canada can reset its relations with Beijing by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa.
Sciences, Publics, Politics: Lessons From Canada’s Climate Wars
The Issues in Science and Technology article, written by Matthew C. Nisbet, about Canada's Climate Wars, citing the Positive Energy report Canada's Energy Future in an Age of Climate Change.
Opposition to Trans Mountain project grows as shovels in ground
The Calgary Herald article, written by Chris Varcoe, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline project, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy.
Analysis: Why Ottawa's LRT is a lesson in how not to manage a major environmental project
The Province article, written by Tom Spears, about the new Ottawa LRT system, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy.
Analysis: Why Ottawa's LRT is a lesson in how not to manage a major environmental project
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, about the new Ottawa LRT system, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy.
Research team injects Inuit views into Ottawa’s plan for safe Arctic shipping
The Nunatsiaq News article, written by Jim Bell, about the Arctic Corridor and Northern Voices report, developed by Dr. Jackie Dawson and her team. Professor Jackie Dawson is a Core Member and Leader of the Arctic Change ISSP Research Cluster.
What experts think about human rights violations in China
Article from The Concordian, written by Clara Gepner, about the Human rights, China and the future of democracies event, held at Concordia University, in which Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa was a keynote speaker.
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston interview to CBC The Current (YouTube link)
Interview with Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, to the CBC The Current, commenting about Huawei and the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Copyright - CBC - original article
Professor Andrew Pelling, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP and Full Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Ottawa and his Pelling lab partnered with the men’s underwear company SAXX.
Create Something Better (YouTube link)
Global order, US–China relations, and Chinese behaviour: The ground is shifting, Canada must adjust
Paper by Pascale Massot, Faculty Affiliate of the ISSP and Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, for the International Journal, commenting on the current status of Canadian-Chinese and Canadian-American international relations.
Science Policy in the 2010s: A Decade in Review
Op-ed article for the IOG website by Jeff Kinder, Senior Fellow at the ISSP and Executive Director, Science and Innovation at the Institute on Governance.
Companies are pledging to avoid Arctic shipping routes. Some residents say that’s not necessary
The Toronto Star article, written by Alex Boyd, with a quote from Dr. Jackie Dawson, Core Member of the ISSP, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa Department of Geography, Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy and Co-Scientific Director, ArcticNet.
Article from The Washington Post, written by Amanda Coletta, with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Trump's trade deal with China puts squeeze on Canada
Article from The Washington Times, written by Barry Brown, with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Monica Gattinger interview to CBC Ottawa Morning (YouTube link)
Interview by Professor Monica Gattinger, Chair, Positive Energy and Director, ISSP, on the CBC Ottawa Morning with Robyn Bresnahan, about the new University of Ottawa Positive Energy survey Polarization over Energy and Climate in Canada.
Copyright: CBC - Original audio link
On energy and climate, we're actually not so polarized
Op-ed article written by Stephen Bird, Erick Lachapelle and Monica Gattinger for Policy Options, about the new University of Ottawa Positive Energy survey Polarization over Energy and Climate in Canada.
On the future of science and knowledge engagement by, for and with Canadians
Op-ed article written by Paul Dufour,Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP, for the CSPC website.
Renewing the social contract for science and innovation (PDF file, 107 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Rob Annan, President and CEO of Genome Canada and a fellow at the Public Policy Forum, Rees Kassen, ISSP Core Member and Full Professor, Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Ottawa, Jeff Kinder, Senior Fellow at the ISSP and Executive Director, Science and Innovation at the Institute on Governance, and Rhonda Moore, Practice lead for science and innovation at the Institute on Governance.
Marc Saner interview at the CSPC 2019 (YouTube link)
Interview with Professor Marc Saner, Inaugural Director, Core Member and leader of the ISSP Science Advice Research Cluster, as well as Full Professor and Chair of the Geography, Environment and Geomatics Department, University of Ottawa.
Canadians want more action on climate change, but are worried about ‘economic hardship’
The Global News article, written by Andrew Russell, with a quote from Dr. Jackie Dawson, Core Member of the ISSP, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa Department of Geography, Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy and Co-Scientific Director, ArcticNet
Newsmaker of the year: Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou
Article by Business in Vancouver, written by Chuck Chiang, with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
What do Canadians think of China and the United States?
Op-ed by Pascale Massot, ISSP Faculty Affiliate and Assistant Professor, Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, Paul Evans and Xiaojun Li, for Policy Options, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese and the Canadian-American international relations.
City's ambitious new climate plan attempts to do what no city in the world has yet done
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, about Ottawa's new climate plan, citing Michael Cleland (Senior Fellow, Positive Energy) and Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy and Director, ISSP).
Is it time for Canada to rethink policy regarding China?
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, to Radio-Canada International, about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, to the Roy Green Show, about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Canadian opinions on energy not as polarized as you might think: Survey
The JWN Energy article, about the new University of Ottawa Positive Energy survey Polarization over Energy and Climate in Canada, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy.
Canadian oil and gas: where in the world are we going? (PDF file, 72.1 KB)
Op-ed article written by Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy and Director, ISSP) for the Natural Resources Policy Briefing of The Hill Times.
Energy doesn't divide Canadians as sharply as we think, poll says
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, about the new University of Ottawa Positive Energy survey Polarization over Energy and Climate in Canada, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy.
ArcticNet to launch northern research program for northerners
The Nunatsiaq News article, written by Elaine Anselmi, about the new North by North project, with a quote from Dr. Jackie Dawson, Core Member of the ISSP, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa Department of Geography, Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy and Co-Scientific Director, ArcticNet.
The crucial China opportunity ahead of us
Op-ed by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, for the The Globe and Mail, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
A ‘friend of China’ no more: Why a longtime Canadian ally has become one of Beijing’s fierce critics
Article by The Star Vancouver, written by Jeremy Nuttall, with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
“I Want More Life:” The ethics of artificial intelligence
Article written by Jane Furlong with a quote from Jason Millar, ISSP Core Member, Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in the Ethical Engineering of Robotics and AI and Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, for the Fulcrum.
Scientists disappointed by elimination of federal cabinet post
Article written by Ivan Semeniuk with a quote from Paul Dufour,Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP, for The Globe and Mail.
Dealing with the New China: How Canada can reset its relations with Beijing (PDF file, 427 KB)
Macdonald-Laurier Institute commentary by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Canada forgotten as U.S. president strikes trade deal with Beijing
Article by Alberta Farmer Express, written by Jennifer Blair, with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Facing the Reality of the Chinese Regime
Article by The Epoch Times, written by Omid Ghoreishi, with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Can domestic robots end the gender imbalance in housework?
The Globe and Mail article, written by Matthew Hague, with a quote from Kelly Bronson, co-leader of the Inclusive Innovation ISSP Research Cluster, Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Science and Society and Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa.
LNG: Caught in the Web of Opposition to Energy Projects
Paper written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
Op-ed article written by Paul Dufour,Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP, for Research Money.
Here’s how climate change will impact the region where you live
The Global News article with a quote from Dr. Jackie Dawson, Core Member and Research lead of the ISSP Arctic Change cluster, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, the Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy and ArcticNet’s scientific co-director at the University of Ottawa.
Autism and artificial intelligence: Visiting scholar probes human-robot interaction
Article by Joanne Laucius from the Ottawa Citizen featuring Professor Lundy Lewis, 2019 Fulbright Canada Visiting Research Chair in Science and Society at the ISSP, University of Ottawa.
McKenna pledges "net-zero" carbon emissions by 2050
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, with a quote from the University of Ottawa Positive Energy research.
Le vapotage, populaire et... dangereux ? (External Video Link)
Professor Patrick Fafard, Core Member of the ISSP, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa and Associate Director of the Global Strategy Lab, was interviewed by Radio-Canada on the dangers of vaping.
New Liberal Government Needs To Move From Division To Unity
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
On energy and environment, Canadian voters aren’t as divided as you may think
Op-ed written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, and Nik Nanos, CEO, Nanos Research, for The Globe and Mail.
The U.S.-China trade deal has a drawback
Article by The Globe and Mail with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
A Collaboratively Derived International Research Agenda on Legislative Science Advice
Article published by Nature and co-authored by Professor Marc Saner, Inaugural Director, Core Member and leader of the ISSP Science Advice Research Cluster, as well as Full Professor and Chair of the Geography, Environment and Geomatics Department, University of Ottawa.
How government after government has talked big about climate change — then failed to get results
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Here’s what the federal campaigns are doing to limit their environmental impact
The Global News article with a quote from Dr. Jackie Dawson, Core Member and Research lead of the ISSP Arctic Change cluster, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, the Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy and ArcticNet’s scientific co-director at the University of Ottawa.
Arctic Security, Territory, Population: Canadian Sovereignty and the International
Article by Professor Mark Salter, Core Member and Research lead of the ISSP Risk, Technology and Security cluster and Full Professor at the School of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, published at the International Political Sociology Journal.
For second time in three months, Canadian warship transits Taiwan Strait
Article by The Globe and Mail with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Canada’s universities and colleges are navigating challenges created by China (PDF file, 326 KB)
Op-ed article written by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow at the ISSP, for The Hill Times.
When excellence meets equity: re-imagining research chairs
Op-ed article written by Paul Dufour,Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP, for the Hill Times.
Blog post by Professor Mark Salter, Core Member and research lead of the ISSP Risk, Technology and Security cluster and Full Professor at the School of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences.
Energy Federalism Will Be Tested As Never Before: Is Canada Up To The Challenge?
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Reliable Science Informing Decisions
Article by Jeff Kinder, Senior Fellow at the ISSP, as well as Executive Director, Science and Innovation at the Institute on Governance.
Article co-written by Patricia Larkin, Post-doctoral researcher and Project Manager of the ISSP @Risk project, with William Leiss and Daniel Krewski, on a special issue of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management.
Fracking in Canadian Print News: A Sociotechnical Debate
Article written by Kelly Bronson, Core Member and co-leader of the Inclusive Innovation ISSP research cluster, Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Science and Society and Assistant Professor at the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa.
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, to BNN Bloomberg News, about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
In the age of misinformation, advocates call for Canadians to vote for science
The Narwhal article, with a quote from Paul Dufour,Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP.
Monica Gattinger on the Road with Minister Sohi (YouTube Link)
Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy and The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Natural Resources Canada discuss how to move forward to continue to use our resources in a sustainable way.
How robust are Canada, U.S. relations? (PDF file, 155 KB)
Op-ed article written by Stephen Blank,Senior Fellow of the ISSP, for the Hill Times.
Article by The Hill Times with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
The Conservative state of foreign affairs
Article by with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, commenting about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
We're in for some tough months ahead in Canada-China relations (external video link)
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, to BNN Bloomberg News, about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
The Future of Canadian Energy (audio external link)
Listen to Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy, Director of the ISSP and a Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute participation in the CGAI event What Role for Canada on the Global Stage?, on the future of Canadian energy, social license, and the approval of major infrastructure projects.
A Tale Of Two Visions: Canada’s Polarized Energy Debate
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
China’s ambassador to Canada to leave post later this month
Article by the Globe and mail about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations, with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa.
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, to BNN Bloomberg News, about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Canada to boost presence overseas to attract more international students
The Canadian Press article with a quote from Denise Amyot, Chair of the ISSP Advisory Committee, as well as President and CEO of Colleges and Institutes Canada.
The La Presse article with a quote from Marc Saner, Inaugural Director and Core Member of the ISSP.
Article by the Hill Times about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations, with a quote by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa.
Kenney Government Takes New Approach On Energy: Will It Work?
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Why Huawei's R&D money for Canada could be making partners 'complicit' (external video link)
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, to BNN Blomberg News, about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Now is not the time to be expanding research partnerships with Huawei
Op-ed article written by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow at the ISSP, for The Globe and Mail.
The SNC-Lavalin Affair: Lessons For Bill C-69
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Transforming health care with AI: tons of potential, but not without pitfalls
The Ottawa Citizen article with a quote from Dr. Ian Kerr, ISSP Core Member, Law Professor at University of Ottawa and Canada Research Chair in ethics, law and technology.
Canada must take stronger action against China to free our 'detainees'
Op-ed article written by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow at the ISSP, for the Ottawa Citizen.
The Nunatsiaq News article with a quote from Dr. Jackie Dawson, Core Member of the ISSP, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa Department of Geography and the Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy.
Ethics and Law: Autonomous Vehicles, AI in Hospitals & Autonomous Weapon Systems
Prof Talks interview featuring Dr. Ian Kerr, ISSP Core Member, Law Professor at University of Ottawa and Canada Research Chair in ethics, law and technology.
Monica Gattinger at SiriusXM Canada Talks (YouTube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show National Post Radio with Anthony Furey, SiriusXM Canada Talks CH. 167, about dangerous optimism.
Read the article: Canada’s Energy Future And The Perils Of Dangerous Optimism
Monarch butterfly resurgence might not take flight, says Ottawa prof
Article from CBC News, featuring an interview with Jeremy Kerr, Core Member of the ISSP.
Monica Gattinger`s interview with Radio-Canada Alberta
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show La Croisée of Radio Canada Alberta, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview with Radio-Canada Saskatchewan (Youtube link, only in French)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Pour faire un monde of Radio-Canada Saskatchewan, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
How apps and online databases are helping conservation science to thrive
Article from University Affairs about the launch of EButterfly North America, featuring an interview with Jeremy Kerr, ISSP Core member and Full Professor, Department of Biology, University of Ottawa
The Globe and Mail article, written by Barrie McKenna, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Canadian icebreaking capabilities not up to snuff, experts say
The Hill Times article, by Aidan Chamandy, with a quote from Jackie Dawson, Core Member of the ISSP, as well as an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa and Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy (Tier II).
Monica Gattinger`s interview with Radio Canada Sudbury (Youtube link, only in French)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Ça parle au Nord of Radio-Canada Sudbury, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview with Radio Canada British-Columbia (Youtube link, only in French)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Boulevard du Pacifique of Radio-Canada British-Columbia, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview with RDI Économie (Youtube Link, only in French)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show RDI Economie, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Canada’s Yellow-Vest-Like Convoy Protests Trudeau’s Green Agenda (PDF file, 35.7 KB)
The Bloomberg Environment article, written by James Munson, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Reproduced with permission. Published Feb. 19, 2019. Copyright 2019 by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (800-372-1033) <>
Durable Energy Policy In Canada: Waiting For Godot?
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Monica Gattinger's Interview with CBC New Brunswick News
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the CBC New Brunswick News, with Harry Forestell.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio-Canada Saskatchewan Point du Jour
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Point du Jour of Radio-Canada Saskatchewan.
Monica Gattinger's Interview to CFRA News and Views with Rob Snow
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the CFRA News and Views with Rob Snow.
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston`s interview to BNN Bloomberg News
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, to BNN Blomberg News, about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston`s interview to the Vancouver Sun
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, to the Vancouver Sun, about the current status of Canadian-Chinese international relations.
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston`s interview to CBC's The National
Interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the ISSP, University of Ottawa, to CBC's Katie Simpson on The National, talking about the aftermath of Ambassador McCallum's firing.
Dr. Gregor Wolbring wins Research Mentor Award
Congratulations to Dr. Gregor Wolbring, Genomics Cluster Collaborator, @Risk Project, for winning the Fall 2018 Bachelor of Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine Research Mentor Award.
McCuaig-Johnston: China's on the brink of losing some of its best friends and collaborators
Op-ed article written by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow at the ISSP, for the Ottawa Citizen.
Margaret McCuaig-Johnston`s interview to CTV National News
The coverage from CTV National News about the international relations between Canada and China with an interview by Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Senior Fellow of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Requiem for a National Network Program
Op-ed article written by Paul Dufour,Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP, for the Fast Policy Facts column in Research Money.
Canada first to adopt strategy for artificial intelligence
The ISSP was mentioned in a new UNESCO article on artificial intelligence, which highlights the role of the institute in examining the social impact of responsible innovation in AI.
If you are in New orleans on December 3 for the SRA 2018, do not miss Risk Perception, Risk Controversies and Risk Management: Can Public Engagement with Values Strengthen Risk Management Practices? with @Risk researchers
Do not miss the panel organised by the ISSP, Mitacs and the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy Centre for the Study of Science and Innovation Policy at the Canadian Science Policy Centre 2018, titled Risk Communication and Engagement with the Public in the Nuclear, Climate and Artificial Intelligence Sectors, with Dr. Monica Gattinger, ISSP Director and Dr. Duane Bratt, researcher of the ISSP @ Risk project.
Should genetic privacy exist in agriculture? (PDF file, 48.4 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Marc Saner, Inaugural Director and Core Member of the ISSP.
Dr. Lundy Lewis` interview for the CBC Radio (YouTube link)
Interview by Dr. Lundy Lewis, Canada/US Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Science and Society at the ISSP on the CBC Ottawa Morning with Robyn Bresnahan, about his research at the University of Ottawa.
Naming Our Science and Research Prizes for Women: Time for Fair Play
Op-ed article written by Paul Dufour,Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP, for the Fast Policy Facts column in Research Money.
Canada bans neonic pesticides implicated in bee declines
Article from CBC Radio Quirks and Quarks, featuring an interview with Jeremy Kerr, Core Member of the ISSP.
Pesticides are making bees dumber
Article from Popular Science, featuring an interview with Jeremy Kerr, Core Member of the ISSP.
Loss of Arctic archeological sites a ‘catastrophe’: experts
The Globe and Mail article, by Ivan Semeniuk, with a quote from Jackie Dawson, Core Member of the ISSP, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa Department of Geography and the Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy.
Science in the Service of Statecraft — oh, and Improving the Human Condition
Op-ed article written by Paul Dufour,Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP, for the AAAS Center For Science and Diplomacy.
Scientists say restrictions on neonic pesticides aren't enough to save bees - we need a ban
Article from CBC Radio Quirks and Quarks, featuring an interview with Jeremy Kerr, Core Member of the ISSP.
The usefulness of relevant knowledge: the Naylor Expert Panel revisited
Op-ed article written by Paul Dufour,Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP, for the Hill Times.
'Not even on the radar screen': Why Big Oil has abandoned Canada's once-promising energy industry
The Financial Post article, by Jesse Snyder, about the Trans Mountain pipeline with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Ian Kerr recruited for strategic S$4.5M Asia-Pacific research grant
Faculty of Law - Common Law Section article featuring ISSP Core Member and University of Ottawa law professor Ian Kerr, Canada Research Chair in ethics, law and technology.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio Canada British-Columbia (Youtube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Phare Ouest of Radio-Canada British-Columbia, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Pipeline Move a Risk for Canada's Trudeau, but Inaction Worse
The Reuters article, also published by New York Times, about the Trans Mountain pipeline with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
With Ottawa’s purchase of Trans Mountain, Trudeau goes from environmental ally to protest target
The Globe and Mail article about the Trans Mountain pipeline with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to CTV National News (external video link)
The coverage from CTV National News about the Trans Mountain pipeline with an interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to RDI (Youtube Link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show RDI Economie, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio Canada British-Columbia (Youtube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa to the show Boulevard du Pacifique of Radio-Canada British-Columbia, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio Canada Manitoba (Youtube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa to the show L'actuel of Radio-Canada Manitoba, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio-Canada Saskatchewan Pour faire un monde (Youtube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa to the show Pour faire un monde of Radio-Canada Saskatchewan, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio-Canada Alberta La Croisee (Youtube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa to the show La Croisée of Radio Canada Alberta, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
‘Reimagining’ National Academies: A Northern Minerva Reboots (PDF file, 98.4 KB)
Op-ed article written by Paul Dufour,Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP, for the Fast Policy Facts column in Research Money's Innovation this Week.
'We are in a bad place right now': Canada struggles to reconcile economy with environment
Article by Jesse Snyder of the Financial Post on how Ottawa’s attempts to gain consensus on big resource projects fails to gain traction, with a quote from Michael Cleland, Senior Fellow for the University of Ottawa Positive Energy initiative.
Monica Gattinger at CPAC Revue Politique (video link, only in French)
Interview with Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and director of the University of Ottawa's Institute for Science, Society and Policy, to CPAC's Revue Politique, about the Trans Mountain pipeline.
Nik Nanos on CTV News (external video link)
Nik Nanos (Chair and CEO of Nanos Research) discusses the latest findings of the Nanos Research Canadians’ Views on Energy Decision-Making, Projects and Trade-Offs, prepared for The University of Ottawa Positive Energy initiative, on his weekly CTV News segment Nanos on the numbers.
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy, to Radio-Canada International, discussing the possible abandoning of the Trans Mountain Pipeline project.
Canadians back Ottawa on energy projects, but seek balance
Op-ed article written by Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy and Director, University of Ottawa’s Institute for Science, Society and Policy) and Nik Nanos (chair and CEO of Nanos Research) for The Globe and Mail.
University of Ottawa professors call for more women in the sciences (PDF file, 167 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Nadia Abu-Zahra, Rukhsana Ahmed (ISSP Core Member) , Marie-Claude Audet, Betty Baba, Angela Cameron, Monique (Aubry) Frize, Monica Nevins, Barbara Orser, Catherine Pound, Jennifer Quaid, Joanne St-Lewis, Catherine Mavriplis (ISSP Faculty Affiliate), Tracy Vaillancourt, and Nadine Wiper, University of Ottawa professors.
Compilation of Paul Dufour's Fast Policy Facts column for Research Money's Innovation this Week
Compilation of variousarticles, since January 2017, written by Paul Dufour, Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the ISSP, for the Fast Policy Facts column in Research Money's Innovation this Week.
NAFTA Is Not the Whole Game – But We Treat It Like It Is
Op-ed article for MacDonald-Laurier Institute Inside Policy by Stephen Blank, Senior Fellow at the ISSP and Monica Gattinger, director of the ISSP
Look twice at the digital agricultural revolution
Policy Options article by Kelly Bronson, Core Member of the ISSP and Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies at the University of Ottawa; and Irena Knezevic, Assistant Professor in Communication, Culture and Health at Carleton University.
Ottawa says it will do anything to save Trans Mountain pipeline (External link, only in French)
Article from Le Devoir discussing the Trans Mountain Pipeline, featuring an interview with Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy
Time is Right for Trudeau to Step up and Invest in science (PDF file, 218 KB)
Op-ed article for IPolitics by Rees Kassen, Core member of the ISSP.
Tell your stories, advisers urge science community
University Affairs article, authored by Becky Rynor, talking about the Science Advice in Canada: Are we Entering a New Renaissance? event
Who decides on energy projects? (PDF file, 53.7 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Stewart Fast, Senior Research Associate of the ISSP.
Budget 2018: a litmus test for the future of Canadian research
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Jeremy Kerr, Core Member of the ISSP and Professor at the University of Ottawa, Julia K. Baum, Associate Professor at the University of Victoria and David Naylor, Professor at the University of Toronto.
Canadians united in pessimism about energy decision-making (PDF file, 116 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Monica Gattinger, director of the ISSP
Conference on Innovation and Globalization – Panel on Energy and the Environment (video link)
Leaders from academia, business and government take part in the Canada 150 Conference on Innovation and Globalization, organized by the Alex Trebek Forum for Dialogue at the University of Ottawa.
The panel on energy and the environment features Monica Gattinger (director, Institute for Science, Society and Policy, University of Ottawa), Glen Hodgson (senior fellow and chair, low carbon growth economy, Conference Board of Canada), Stewart Elgie (director, Institute of the Environment, University of Ottawa) and Céline Bak (senior fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation)
To diffuse technology or not to diffuse: that’s the question
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Marc Saner, inaugural director and Core Member of the ISSP
Galvanizing a go-global education strategy (PDF file, 129 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Paul Dufour, fellow and adjunct professor at the ISSP.
Monica Gattinger`s paper featured on the Daily Oil Bulletin
Monica Gattinger, director of the ISSP and president of Positive Energy has been named a Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) fellow. The Daily Oil Bulletin, in a partnership with the CGAI, has made her paper, Big Projects, Big Politics, Big Policy: Strengthening Public Confidence In Energy Decision-Making In Canada, the first one to be featured in a recurring series.
Is Canada ready for the radical change artificial intelligence will unleash?
Maclean`s article on Artificial Intelligence, featuring ISSP Core Member and University of Ottawa law professor Ian Kerr, Canada Research Chair in ethics, law and technology.
Getting to grips with climate change
Article by The University of Ottawa Gazette on the pane Climate change in the age of Trump: How should Canada respond?, with quotes from the panelists.
The panel was moderated by Calin Rovinescu– President and CEO of Air Canada, and Chancellor of the University of Ottawa and also had the participation of Annette Verschuren– Chair & CEO of NRStor Inc., and Chancellor, Cape Breton University, Tzeporah Berman– Energy and Climate Campaign Strategy Consultant and Adjunct Professor in Environmental Studies, York University and Stewart Elgie– Professor, Faculty of Law; Founder and Chair, Smart Prosperity Institute and Director of the University of Ottawa’s Institute of the Environment.
Academics Discuss Canada’s Climate Change Response During UOttawa Debate
Daily Oil article commenting on the University of Ottawa Chancellor's Debate panel: Climate change in the age of Trump: How should Canada respond?
Canada plans to release 'more credible' climate change info
Article from The National Observer on the Statistics Canada panel discussion on climate change science, which features comments from Monica Gattinger, director of the ISSP, who was one of the participants of the panel.
Inclusive and responsible innovation coming full circle (PDF file, 125 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Paul Dufour, fellow and adjunct professor at the ISSP.
Canadian energy’s Johnny Cash moment (PDF file, 377 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Monica Gattinger, director of the ISSP
Survey reveals basic research in Canada is falling by the wayside
Report produced by Drs. Jeremy Kerr, Megan Dodd, Julia Baum, and Kristina Tietjen in Nature (28 June 2017).
Additional media summaries can be found at Global Young Academy.
Visit here to read Restoring Canada's Competitiveness in Fundamental Research: The View from the Bench.
The aggrieved and the beguiled: experts and evidence in troubled times (PDF file, 150 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Paul Dufour, fellow and adjunct professor at the ISSP.
Synthetic Biology and GE³LS: The Benefits of a Total Field View
Independent article by Marc Saner, inaugural director of the ISSP.
No easy fixes for energy policy in Canada (PDF file, 238 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Michael Cleland, Senior Fellow at Positive Energy and Monica Gattinger, director of the ISSP
Mitacs fellows pursue science policy in the halls of government
Eleven PhD grads are serving for one year in various federal departments around Ottawa, in University Affairs (29 mars 2017).
Science advice in a post-truth world
Sherry Wasilow writes in the Gazette (24 January 2017)
Chief science officer must describe knowledge and the gaps in it, veteran adviser says
Media coverage of a special presentation, "Science advice in a troubled world," by Sir Peter Gluckman, Chief Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of New Zealand and Chair of the International Network of Government Science Advice, in the Ottawa Citizen (17 January 2017).
Ottawa seeks scientist to advise Trudeau, cabinet
Paul Dufour in The Globe and Mail (5 December 2016).
What's fundamental about a fundamental science review?
Paul Dufour writes in Research Money (reprinted with permission)
(18 August 2016)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Monica Gattinger, director of the ISSP
Clean energy projects not immune from local opposition
Article from CTV News with an interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Americans wary of gene-editing, brain chips, synthetic blood
Gregor Wolbring on CNN (27 July 2016).
Monarch butterflies: symbol or symptom? (PDF file, 299 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Jeremy Kerr, Core Member of the ISSP.
Priority setting in the knowledge ecosystem (PDF file, 148 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Paul Dufour, fellow and adjunct professor at the ISSP.
Article from the magazine Pan European Networks: Science & Technology featuring Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa, is profiled in the .
Promoting Energy Literacy at the University Of Ottawa
Article by Stephen Blank, 2015-2016 Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at the Institute for Science, Society and Policy, in charge of the project on Energy Literacy.
Paul Dufour in Nature (3 May 2016).
Book review by Nigel Cameron in Issues in Science and Technology (Spring 2016).
A Chief Science Officer for Canada?
Paul Dufour in Canadian Government Executive (April 2016).
Paul Dufour in Science and Diplomacy (29 February 2016).
What will it take to make Ottawa take science seriously?
Rees Kassen in iPolitics (3 February 2016).
Debating the Future of Science Advice
Media coverage of ISSP panel on Chief Science Officer in iPolitics (23 January 2016).
Hacking goes squishy, revisited (PDF file, 130 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Marc Saner, inaugural director and Core Member of the ISSP
Canada Pushes Ahead with Keystone XL Alternatives
Article from Scientific American, featuring Monica Gattinger, Director of the Institute for science, society and policy.