Knowledge mobilization strategy 2024-2028

Here you will find an overview of the University of Ottawa’s 2024-2028 institutional strategy for knowledge mobilization, called Innovative pathways to equitable research impact.

Our vision

The University of Ottawa, a top-ranked research-intensive university, is at the forefront of creating new knowledge for a changing world and mobilizing its application in all areas. We engage our local, national and global communities and partners in areas of mutual interest and increase social innovation and real-world impact of our research by promoting its uptake in:

  • Partnerships
  • Policy
  • Practice
  • Processes
  • Products
  • Professional development
  • Programs

We are committed to centring equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility, with a social justice perspective, in our knowledge mobilization considerations, reflections and actions.

Our aspirations

  • To foster a uOttawa research culture that prioritizes impact through equity and responsible assessment practices.
  • To encourage greater knowledge creation (understanding, experimentation, innovation) and application through collaboration.
  • To be the top-of-mind research partner with our communities (local organizations, government and the private sector) and a preferred research partner for national and international stakeholders.
  • To inform policy, programs, processes, products and practices that change our world for the better.
  • To be a leader that provides exemplary institutional support for knowledge mobilization and shares its expertise with other academic institutions, professional associations, communities of practice and the scholarly community.
Textured painting

Our approach

The 2024-2028 uOttawa KMb strategy was developed through an evidence-informed, collaborative approach. Findings and recommendations from uOttawa research projects and consultations with the research community were analyzed and interpreted by Research Management Services (RMS) staff and the Connexions Advisory Committee, and have informed the strategy.

Data was drawn from the following uOttawa sources: an internal KMb survey (RMS, 2021), a research project on CV-reporting of KMb activities (Stacey et al, 2020) and the Institutional Research Impact Study (IRIS), which included interviews, pilot training and development of an asset map (Brouwers et al, 2022).

Consultations were conducted by RMS with research leadership. In April 2023, RMS met with vice-deans research (VDR) and other research leadership from all uOttawa faculties to discuss knowledge mobilization (KMb) activities.

Our 2024-2028 Strategy

Close-up of people walking

Stream 1: Walking the talk

Increase the capacity of research at uOttawa to inform social innovation and contribute to real-world impact.

  • 1.1. Increase impact: Identify innovative research projects and provide institutional support and resources to upscale their real-world impact.
  • 1.2. Recognizing and reporting: Provide the tools for the research community to better report KMb activities and resulting impact.
  • 1.3. Research resources: Create or promote KMb learning and exchange opportunities for uOttawa’s research community.
Person adding mortar to brick wall

Stream 2: Strengthening the foundations

Build institutional capacity to support uOttawa researchers in engaging in knowledge mobilization and contribute to the development of inclusive and equitable KMb practices.

  • 2.1. Institutional impact: Develop an Institutional Impact Framework and Communications Plan to measure and communicate our collective impact.
  • 2.2. Institutional initiatives: Embed equitable impact and social innovation in institutional structures and processes.
  • 2.3. Institutional Indigenization: Help implement uOttawa’s Indigenous Action Plan by supporting awareness of Indigenous knowledge and methodological approaches.
Sculpture of stick figures made of different metals holding hands in a circle

Stream 3: Creating connections and engagement

Promote partnerships and facilitate connections between uOttawa researchers and knowledge users.

  • 3.1. User uptake: Develop a KMb accelerator to facilitate the development and uptake of KMb activities by knowledge users and researchers.
  • 3.2. Training and tools: Build capacity and raise awareness of the value of engaged research among knowledge users and researchers so that they can better work together.
  • 3.3. Partnered projects: Implement a community-based research grant and other mechanisms to support research co-production by communities and researchers.

2019-2023: Overview of accomplishments

uOttawa policies and documents

Advancing research on KMb

  • The Institutional Research Impact Study (IRIS) included a KMb asset map, focus groups and key informants, and graduate student training
  • uOttawa researchers Dawn Stacey et al. led a project to better report KMb activities in academic CVs
  • The design of the Brain-Heart Interconnectome (BHI), uOttawa’s first Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF), is leading the way in co-creation and implementation science

Applied expertise on KMb

  • The Connexions Advisory Committee was established and meets regularly to advance KMb and research impact
  • A dedicated KMb Advisor position was created, offering training and support concerning grants
  • uOttawa became member of the Canadian KMb network, Research Impact Canada (RIC), where we play a leadership role

Activities and resources

Read the full 2019-2023 KMb strategy