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Capabilities of JEOL JEM-2100F field emission TEM
Characterize Size, morphology and crystalline structure of materials with a lattice resolution of 0.1nm.
Analyze elemental compositions (from B to U) of materials at nano-meter scales.
Determine elemental distribution and heterogeneity of nano-particles.
Service request equipment
Capabilities of JEOL JEM-2100F field emission TEM
Characterize Size, morphology and crystalline structure of materials with a lattice resolution of 0.1nm.
Analyze elemental compositions (from B to U) of materials at nano-meter scales.
Determine elemental distribution and heterogeneity of nano-particles.

Capabilities of FEI Tecnai G2 spirit Twin TEM
High resolution and high contrast imaging for biological and soft materials (20-120kV).
Cryo-electron microscopy for vitrified frozen hydrate samples.
3-D electron tomography.
Imaging the same area with Integrated Florescent Microscopy and Electron Microscopy (Icorr)

Capabilities of JEOL JSM-7500F field emission SEM
Surface topography with high resolution (in-lens detector) and excellent depth of field.
High resolution compositional images with backscatter electron detector
Quantitative elemental analysis and elemental mapping with the Oxford Instruments EDS system.
High contrast, high resolution, low voltage STEM imaging for low contrast specimens.

Service provided by Queen's University

AFM - Raman Microscope
ORIBA XploRATM Plus Raman Microscope
Two-laserwavelengths Raman spectroscopy
Small area Raman analysis with Optical microscope at 10x and 100x magnifications
High resolution Raman imaging
Couples with AIST-NT OmegaScopeTM 1000 for TERS (Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy)
AIST-NT OmegaScopeTM 1000
Atomic Force Microscopy in contact mode and tapping mode
Kevin probe microscopy

Tube Furnace
Three Zone Split Tube Furnace (5" Dia, up to 1200°C) with Sliding Flange, 3 Channel Gas Mixer, and Vacuum Pump OTF-1200X-III-SF is a splittable 5" (O.D) three-zone tube furnace, which can achieve faster heating up to 1200oC and create a thermal gradient by adjusting temperature of three zones. The furnace includes all accessories for immediate use. It is an excellent furnace for annealing, diffusing and sintering sample in various atmospheres. This furnace system also includes an anti-corrosive Pirani Capacitance Diaphragm Gauge to enable vacuum measurements with aggressive gasses.

Cary 7000 Universal Measurement Spectrophotometer
Agilent Cary 7000 Universal Measurement Spectrophotometer (UMS) will satisfy all your solid sampling needs. Delivering a turn-key solution for research, development and QA/QC in optics, thin films/coatings, solar and glass, the Cary 7000 UMS will advance your materials analysis. Design experiments never before possible and expand your research.
Explore what you can do with Cary 7000 UMS:

TLC 50 Temperature-Controlled Cuvette Holder for Light Irradiation
The TLC 50 is a thermoelectric-temperature-controlled, 4-window cuvette holder that can be used for light irradiation. Rapid and precise temperature changes may be made throughout the range of -40 to +105C. Variable speed magnetic stirring is provided as well as dry gas purge on the four windows of the cuvette. An opaque lid enhances control of the gaseous environment around the cuvette and reduces light leakage. A variety of optical slits are also provided to control the exposure area. Irradiation can be done with wide range of available wavelengths using different LEDs. Intensity of LEDs can be tuned and intensity data may be provided.

INERT Solvent Purification Systems
INERT Solvent Purification Systems is a safe alternative to thermal distillation, alleviating risk of injury to your staff or fire damage to your lab. A solvent purifier, a solvent dryer, and a solvent dispenser all in one, they allow for air-free collection of ultra-dry and de-oxygenated solvents, while eliminating cross-diffusion of solvents vapor.

Our new Agilent InfinityLab Liquid Chromatography/Mass Selective Detector (LC/MSD) system uses the power of mass selective detection to enhance analytical confidence. The single quadrupole LC/MSD system is running in parallel to the Infinity II LC system.

Our new Agilent ICP-OES allows us the detection of more than 70 elements, including alkaline and transition metals.

FTIR Microscope
Agilent Cary 600 Series FTIR Spectrometers and Microscopes

Anton Paar Rheometer MCR 302 WESP

Instrument Specifications:
• Unsurpassed operating stability and stable operation over a 10ºC temperature range
• Output wavelength ~ 800 nm
• Configurable pulse width, <35 fs – <120 fs
• Configurable repetition rate, 1–10 kHz
• Exceptional beam quality (M^2 <1.25)
Applications (but not limited to):
• OPA pumping
• 2D IR spectroscopy
• Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy
• Nonlinear optics
• Four-wave mixing spectroscopy
• Ultrafast micromachining on a wide variety of materials