Music and Health Research Institute

Call for proposals for the MHRI Third Annual Conference (May 13-16, 2025 in Ottawa ON)

Please use sentence case only for the title (capitalize the first letter of the title and lower case for all other letters unless required) and do not include a period (.) at the end of the title.

Desired format(s)
Name of each of the presenter(s). Please specify affiliation/institution name and/or expertise as a person with lived experience.
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Conference theme(s) that best matches your proposal:

I confirm that all co-presenters are aware of the content of the abstract and agree to its submission as submitted; that all presenters consent to publication of the submitted abstract related to the MHRI 2025 conference (e.g., on website, program materials, etc.); and that all presenters consent to the publication of the abstract in a scientific journal (if publication of the abstracts is approved).

If you have questions, please contact Anna Zumbansen and Erin Parkes, co-chairs of the MHRI 2025 conference committee, by sending an e-mail to [email protected]