All our labs have a processing capability of up to 4-inch diameter wafers and pieces, with the exception of certain beam tools, which accept wafers of up to 2 inches in diameter.

Hours of Operation

  • Lab Facility: The facility is supervised Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (with the exception of statutory holidays)
  • Administrative Office (ARC 350): Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (with the exception of statutory holidays)

Please note: Visitors must be pre-approved and escorted by an administrator while in the laboratory. If you would like to visit the NanoFab facility, please send an email to the NanoFab Administrative Assistant with a brief explanation of the purpose of your visit.

Tools in the white clean room
Tools in the white clean room


Floor plan of NanoFab Facility – ARC 329/329A, 330 & 333 (333A, 333B & 333C)

There are 3 labs:

  • Metrology (ARC 329)
  • Wet Chemistry (ARC 330)
  • White & Yellow Clean Rooms -Class 10,000 (ARC 333)


Access to all of the tools below under NanoFab & Metrology and Wet Chemistry are included in our NanoFab Package. Only the tools included under Metrology and Wet Chemistry are included in our Metrology Package. Please refer to our “User Access page” for further details and pricing.

We also offer Fee-for-Service on all of our tools. 

Equipment Reservations

For membership holders: Please log in to Skedda to book time on the tools within the facility.
Log in to Skedda