Vials of resin

Actinides & Fission Products Laboratory

Actinides and Fission Products Laboratory is a facility at the André E. Lalonde AMS Laboratory.


Actinides and Fission Products Laboratory is a facility at the A. E. Lalonde AMS Laboratory which prepares samples for analysis on a 3MV accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS), on a triple quad inductive plasma mass spectrometer (QQQ-ICP MS) and on the UltraLEGe gamma-counting detector. The AE Lalonde AMS laboratory is supported by two actinide radiochemical laboratories – one for low level or environmental analyses and the second for high level samples such as uranium ore that contain higher concentrations of radionuclides. Radiometric counting equipment for alpha beta and gamma measurements is also available to supplement AMS analysis.

Contact us

André E. Lalonde AMS Laboratory

Phone: (613) 562-5800
ext. 7177
Email: [email protected]