Code & description | Sample size (Minimum) | Price per sample (CAD): Canadian academic, government, non-profit | Price per sample (CAD): Commercial, independent, international |
AgI-W - Water (groundwater, seawater, brine) | 250 ml | $325 | $490 |
Agl - Silver lodide AMS analysis only | 2 mg | $220 | $330 |
Agl-CL - Hard rock, clay, sediments etc. (combustion line) | 10 g | $410 | $605 |
Pricing categories
Analytical service rates 2022
The fee schedule rates are assigned based on the billing address listed on the submission form, and the pricing listed on our website at the time of submission.
Canadian academic, non-profit, and government users
Users from Canadian academic institutions, registered non-profit organizations, indigenous groups, and government agencies will be invoiced following the delivery of results.
Commercial, independent, and international users
Users from private Canadian companies, users not affiliated with a company or academic institution, and those from abroad are required to remit payment in full prior to release of results. An invoice will be issued upon receipt of the Submission.
Internal users
Users affiliated with the University of Ottawa or the Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre (OCGC) (including faculty, adjuncts, post-docs, graduate, and undergraduate students) are entitled to internal rates. In order to qualify for internal rates, the Submitter must remit payment from a university-administered fund. Please contact us for internal rates.
A 5% discount will be applied to submissions of 8-15 samples, a 10% discount will be applied to submission of 16+ samples. Internal users are not eligible for quantity discounts.