The Deirdre G. Martin Memorial Lecture on Privacy Law

Centre for Law, Technology and Society
aerial view of the canal and the Campus

The 2012 Deirdre G. Martin Memorial Lecture will be presented by Dr. Gus Hosein, Executive Director, Privacy International, and Visiting Senior Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science, on Thursday, February 23. The title of his talk is, “Is Privacy at risk of becoming a real Human Right? Perspectives from Europe and Developing Countries.”

The Deirdre G. Martin Memorial Lecture was established thanks to the generosity of her colleagues at the Insurance Bureau of Canada’s Legal Division.

Ms. Martin (’78) passed away on June 21, 2006 after a short illness. She was a loving mother of three children, a passionate and excellent lawyer, a dedicated daughter and sister, and a caring friend to many people, each of whom feels her loss deeply. Her law school friends remember her charming and infectious smile—it will be sadly missed.

Ms. Martin was Senior Counsel with the Insurance Bureau of Canada from 1998 until 2006. She was an expert on the application of the federal, Alberta, and British Columbia privacy laws to the property and casualty insurance industry. Ms. Martin was a gifted speaker who enjoyed making presentations on the implementation of these privacy laws. Between 2001 and 2004, she conducted training seminars across Canada to over two thousand people from P&C insurance companies, independent brokers, and claims adjusters.