The Office of the Vice-Dean Research at the Common Law Section has established internal awards to recognize the role of dedicated teaching, sustained and creative research and generous service to the community, the University and the Faculty of Law in strengthening the institution and raising our public profile.
Dr. Wolfgang Alschner, Assistant Professor, was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award for an Untenured Faculty, in particular for the development of innovative new courses, especially its “Legal Data Science” course designed, among other things, to familiarize students with basic programming skills for analyzing legal data.
Dr. Elizabeth Judge, Full Professor and coordinator of the Law and Technology Graduate Programs, was awarded the Award for Significant Service to Graduate Studies for providing a uniquely supportive and intellectually stimulating environment to her graduate students.
Prof. Amy Salazyn, Assistant Professor, was awarded the Emerging Researcher Award for having distinguished herself as an innovative, versatile and widely respected scholar and a leader in the legal ethics community, and lately with a focus around technology and privacy.
Prof. Marina Pavlovic, Assistant Professor and coordinator of the Law and Technology JD option, was awarded the Public Engagement Award – Public Education and Outreach for being one of the most active pre-tenured professors involved in policy development with a commitment towards public outreach in the fields of e-commerce and telecommunications. She has tirelessly worked for the upcoming distribution of open access knowledge via the Internet to facilitate the Canadian’s access to their rights.
And, finally, Dr. Florian Martin-Bariteau, Assistant Professor and Director of the Centre, was awarded the Distinctive Service Faculty Award, for distinguishing himself through his outstanding service and significant contribution to both the student community and the Faculty, notably by leading the development of the uO Common Law WebApp.
Our sincerest congratulations to our very deserving Faculty members!