Jane Bailey
A leading expert on technology-facilitate violences and abuses, Professor Jane Bailey has been appointed a Research Fellow at the Centre for Protecting Women Online at the Open University in Milton Keynes, England.

The Centre for Protecting Women Online is funded by a £7.7 million grant from Research England and serves as a vehicle for understanding and addressing challenges posed to women’s safety online through a novel, interdisciplinary and ambitious research agenda. As part of her Fellowship, Professor Jane Bailey will be in residence at the Centre in June 2025.

Prof. Bailey is a Faculty member at the University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society, and a Full Professor of Law within the Faculty of Law, Common Law Section. Her research focuses on the impact of evolving technology on equality, privacy, freedom of expression and multiculturalism.

This fellowship is only the latest in Prof. Bailey’s global engagement to promote and enhance online safety for marginalized groups. As the co-leader of the eQuality Project, Professor Bailey will notably co-host a parallel session with the Red Dot Foundation (RDF) and the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI) at the 69th NGO Commission on the Status of Women in New York City on March 19, 2025. This year, the NGO CSW is observing the 30th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The session co-organized by Professor Bailey, entitled “Technology-facilitated Gender-based Violence: What Can Law Do?”, will bring together a panel of Canadian, US and Indian anti-GBV activists to probe the promise and limits of legal responses to TFGBV. 

Congratulations to Professor Jane Bailey!