In December 2020, the Government of Quebec announced by decree the appointment of new members to the Board of Directors of Société québécoise d’information juridique (SOQUIJ), one of which was Professor Karen Eltis. The society was founded in 1976 by an act of the Quebec National Assembly, and operates under the authority of the Quebec Minister of Justice and is self-funded by the sale of its products and services.
Professor Karen Eltis was nominated by law school deans and will contribute her expertise in the analysis, organization, enrichment and dissemination of law in Quebec. Her added value to the society will support professionals in their search for solutions and the public in its understanding of the law. The society facilitates public access to court and administrative tribunal decisions, offers legal professionals a range of interactive tools and online legal documentation, and provides educational institutions with free access to the SOQUIJ Portal, a wealth of resources to support the legal learning community in its work.
A Faculty member at the University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology, and Society, Dr. Karen Eltis is a full professor in the Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section.