The Law of Defamation: Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, United States provides an authoritative and comprehensive examination of defamation law across five common law jurisdictions. This landmark text is highly regarded and frequently cited in over 400 legal cases across Canada, including those heard by provincial appellate courts and the Supreme Court of Canada. It offers a meticulous examination of over 20,000 relevant cases from Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States.
This edition offers a transformative approach to the study of defamation law, bridging the gap between theory and practice. It provides a comprehensive examination of various aspects of defamation law. Key topics include the cause of action in defamation, available defences, practice and procedure, Charter implications, injurious falsehood, malicious prosecution, recent case highlights, internet law developments, and comparative analysis of media privileges. The text provides an invaluable resource for legal practitioners, academics, and students, offering comprehensive coverage of various aspects of defamation law.
Professor Karen Eltis, a Faculty member at the Centre for Law, Technology and Society and a Full Professor at the Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section at the University of Ottawa, worked alongside Professor Erika Chamberlain, Dean of Law at Western University, to update and expand the foundational work of Raymond Brown, ensuring that this edition remains at the forefront of legal scholarship and practice.
This second edition of The Law of Defamation will surely be a vital resource for anyone involved in the study or practice of defamation law, offering new dimensions to legal analysis and practical guidance.
For more information about The Law of Defamation and to access a copy, click here.