At the request of Canada’s Chief Science Advisor, Dr. Mona Nemer, the Canadian Institute of Advanced Research (CIFAR) has established the Expert Advisory Group (EAG) on Society, Technology and Ethics in a Pandemic (STEP) to advise the technical, social, legal, and ethical implications for deploying novel technologies in response to COVID-19.
Dr Geist was invited to join this group to assist in providing advice on these subjects. The group of advisors includes leading Canadian experts in law, regulatory innovation, artificial intelligence, epidemiology, clinical care, philosophy, ethics, and public policy. Their advice has informed a report that can be read here.
In addition, Dr Geist has provided regular commentary in the media during the pandemic on the challenges of balancing public health concerns with fundamental privacy rights. His Lawbytes Podcast has welcomed experts on a variety of topics that address how the coronavirus touches the lives of Canadians through the lens of technology law.