PhD Student Kristen Thomasen (’12) Authors Article on Drone Regulation

Centre for Law, Technology and Society
Technology Law, Ethics and Policy
Tabaret hall
Current PhD student and Common Law graduate Kristen Thomasen (’12) recently authored an Op-Ed for The Globe and Mail, entitled “We regulate driving. Why not droning?”

The article mentions a recent incident in which a drone was accidentally crashed into the White House lawn by an individual at a nearby apartment. The incident set off a firestorm of concern about the potential danger of simple drones.

“So far,” writes Ms. Thomasen, “drone laws in North America focus on protecting public safety through outright bans of commercial drones in the United States, to a set of safety requirements in Canada. . . . But incidents like the White House crash reaffirm the need for a comprehensive drone policy – one that deals with more than just safety.”

Click here to read the full article.

Ms. Thomasen is currently working on her doctorate on the regulation of domestic drones at the Faculty’s Centre for Technology, Law and Society. You can follow her on Twitter @KristenThomasen.