Professor Geist Chosen to Receive 2010 IP3 Award

Centre for Law, Technology and Society
Students on campus
Professor Michael Geist has been chosen by the leading digital rights group Public Knowledge as one of four recipients of its 2010 IP3 Award.

Public Knowledge honours individuals who have advanced the public interest in one of the three areas of “IP” –Intellectual Property, Information Policy and Internet Protocol.

Professor Geist is recognized for his work in intellectual property. His blog, “a must-read for anyone in the field,” is praised for the depth of its analysis of Canadian copyright policies, as well as its success in explaining and exposing the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) negotiations.

Public Knowledge is a Washington, D.C.-based public interest group working to defend citizens’ rights in the emerging digital culture. Dedicated to fortifying and protecting a vibrant information commons, it works to ensure that the principles of openness, access, and the capacity to create and compete are given new embodiment in the digital age.

The award will be presented at a ceremony Oct. 13 in Washington, D.C.

Click here to read the Public Knowledge’s Press Release.