A global pioneer in the emerging fields of artificial intelligence and robotics law and policy, Professor Kerr teaches at the intersection of law, ethics, and technology. He is a firm believer in giving students time – and indeed teaching them how – to think their way through a problem. He cultivates a learning environment where students are treated as peers, and where spirited dialogue and new perspectives are valued and encouraged.
Professor Kerr has also created hundreds of funded training opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students who work with him in reviewing literature, collecting empirical data, co-authoring publications, professionally networking, and co-presenting results. Half a dozen of his recent graduates hold multi-year or tenure track positions at law faculties throughout Canada and around the world. Through his training, mentorship and successful track record of placing our graduates in academic positions, he has helped put the University of Ottawa on the global map as an outstanding destination for graduate studies in law.
uOttawa’s annual Excellence in Education Prizes recognize “educators of exceptional quality, driven by their passion to advance and share knowledge. These leaders in university education are outstanding in the classroom, in the laboratory and in the field and have been recognized by students and peers alike.” As part of the Prize, Professor Kerr will earn $10,000 to be put towards developing innovative teaching practices. The awards will be presented at a special celebration of excellence in education and research in the fall.
Congratulations to Professor Kerr!