Professor Steeves Organizing “The Expanding Surveillance Net: Ten Years After 9/11”

Centre for Law, Technology and Society
Students on campus
Professor Valerie Steeves is one of the organizers of the upcoming academic workshop “The Expanding Surveillance Net: Ten Years After 9/11.”

This workshop, which takes place September 8-10 in Kingston, Ontario, explores the social, political, legal and ethical implications of increased government and private sector surveillance in the wake of 9/11.

Workshop presentations will explore the ways that post-9/11 surveillance practices are challenging civil liberties, privacy and human rights as well as offering ways to enhance democratic practices. Professor Steeves and Professor Ian Kerr will be chairing panels.

The workshop will be preceded by a public event in Ottawa, a panel entitled “Liberties Lost?: Surveillance Since 9/11” which will take place in University of Ottawa’s Alumni Auditorium. The panel will feature Maher Arar, the dual Canadian/Syrian citizen who was the subject of the Canadian government’s Arar Inquiry, Alex Neve, the Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada, and Maureen Webb, author of the book Illusions of Security: Global Surveillance and Democracy in the Post-9/11 World.

The panel is a joint presentation of The New Transparency Project and the Centre for Law, Technology and Society.

For more information about the conference in Kingston, click here. For more information about the panel presentation in Ottawa, click here.