Professors Jane Bailey and Florian Martin-Bariteau Receive Grants from the Foundation for Legal Research

Centre for Law, Technology and Society
Technology Law, Ethics and Policy
Uottawa building
The Centre for Law, Technology and Society is delighted to announce that the Foundation for Legal Research (FLR) have awarded research grants to Professor Jane Bailey for her work on women and technology and Professor Florian Martin-Bariteau for his new project on secrets and whitleblowers.

Professor Jane Bailey, a member of the Centre, jointly with Professor Carissima Mathen received a FLR grant in support of a scholarly article (and related online tool) entitled “Technologically-facilitated Violence Against Women and Girls:  Can Criminal Law Respond?”. Their research will provide doctrinal analysis of reported Canadian criminal law cases in which defendants have used digital communications technologies to carry out acts of violence against women and girls, identifying areas for reform and improvement.  The related online tool will make the results freely available in a user-friendly form.

Professor Florian Martin-Bariteau, Director of the Centre, earned his FLR grant for a project entitled “La protection des secrets dans la vie des affaires au Canada”, which deals with the Canadian legal framework surrounding the protection of business secrets. Unlike other jurisdictions, Canada does not have a clear legal framework defining the notion of secrecy or outlining its protection or limits, despite the fact that the protection of confidential information is of fundamental interest in a society dedicated to innovation and global competition.  Professor Martin-Bariteau’s study will take stock of how Canada compares to its partners, and help outline a coherent framework that could provide a basis for the establishment of a new legislative framework.

The FLR provides funds for research into legal doctrine, the working of the legal system, and development in fields peripheral but closely related to rules of law. The Foundation seeks to encourage legal writing that would be valuable to Canadian lawyers, notaries and judges in their day-to-day practice of law and into the administration of justice.

Congratulations to Professors Bailey, Mathen and Martin-Bariteau!