Professors Scassa and Martin-Bariteau Earn SSHRC Grant for Trademark Law Symposium

Centre for Law, Technology and Society
Technology Law, Ethics and Policy
Uottawa building
Dr. Teresa Scassa, Canada Research Chair in Information Law, a member of the Center for Law, Technology and Society, and Dr. Florian Martin-Bariteau, Director of the Centre for Law, Technology and Society, have earned a Connection Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) for a one-day symposium entitled “Following the Signs: New Directions in Trademark Law in Canada?”

The symposium – scheduled for May, 9th, 2017 – will bring together an audience of academics, students, practising lawyers, and government officials to explore the impact and implications of recent amendments to the Trademarks Act and to identify and assess challenges and new directions for trademark law.  Presenters will address themes ranging from changes in the legislation that affect Canadian producers of food and agricultural products; controversial changes surrounding how applicants can register for trademarks they haven’t yet used; and the new definition of a “trademark” which will make it possible to claim trademark rights in previously unregistrable subject-matter such as smells, taste, moving images and holograms.

The symposium will also feature an address from an official with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office who will outline the government's future plans for trademark reform in line with its innovation strategy.

Professors Scassa and Martin-Bariteau look forward to welcoming members of the public and the legal community to the University for this event.

SSHRC Connection Grants support events and outreach activities geared towards exchanging knowledge, often serving as a first step toward more comprehensive and longer-term projects.  In addition to the money they are receiving from SSHRC, Professors Scassa and Martin-Bariteau will also receive funding from the Common Law Section and uOttawa’s Conference/Workshop on Campus Opportunity (CWCO).

Congratulations to Professors Scassa and Martin-Bariteau!