Recording Available for the Human Rights in COVID-Times: An Online Forum in Honour of David Petrasek

By University of Ottawa

Human Rights Research and Education Centre, HRREC

Human rights
David Petrasek
On June 24, 2020, the University of Ottawa, in partnership with the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA), Amnesty International, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), the Faculty of Social Sciences, Open Global Rights, the Global Centre for Pluralism, the Dialogue Advisory Group; the Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS), and the Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC) came together to organize an online forum in honour of David Petrasek.

The event, entitled Human Rights in COVID-Times, explored global human rights topics with three former United Nations High Commissioners for Human Rights: Mary Robinson, Louise Arbour and Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein, who discussed human rights in the context of COVID-19 together with independent experts and representatives of civil society. A special video message from current UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, set the stage for this discussion.

David Petrasek passed away on May 12, 2020, from cancer. This Forum is the first of a number of activities envisioned over the coming years as part of an initiative to carry his legacy forward with a focus on empowerment, education, connections, debate and change. The activities will be supported by the David Petrasek Legacy Fund which was launched in conjunction with this Forum.

The Forum was recorded and is available to watch and share: Human Rights in COVID-Times: An Online Forum in Honour of David Petrasek (YouTube).