"Technology and the TPP: What's At Stake" - Video now online

Centre for Law, Technology and Society
aerial view of the canal and the Campus

Monday, November 30th, 11:30am-1pm
Room FTX 361, Fauteux Hall
University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, 57 Louis-Pasteur Street


Jeremy de Beer Professor, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law
Michael Geist Professor and Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-Commerce Law, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law
Tamir Israel Staff Lawyer, Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy & Public Interest Clinic
Burcu Kilic Legal and Policy Director, Global Access to Medicines Program, Public Citizen
Carolina Rossini Vice President, International Policy and Strategy, Public Knowledge


Loris Mirella Deputy Director of Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada

Watch on YouTube