Professor Michael Pal researches primarily the law of democracy, comparative constitutional law, and election law. He publishes in law, political science, and public policy. He is currently the Director of the Public Law Group at the Faculty of Common Law. As Director of the Public Law Group, he oversees the activities of the Group and has recently co-organized conferences on electoral reform, non-resident voting rights, and the Group's Speakers' Series and Works in Progress seminars. Professor Pal is also a Fellow at the Mowat Centre for Policy Innovation in the School of Public Policy and governance at the University of Toronto.
Professor Marina Pavlović joined the Faculty in July 2007 and is a member of the Centre for Law, Technology and Society, the International Law Group, and the Professionalism Initiative. Professor Pavlović is the coordinator of the Law & Technology and the Dispute Resolution and Professionalism options. Her teaching interests include Private International Law, Dispute Resolution and Professional Responsibility, and ADR Processes. Her research interests include dispute resolution, access to justice, conflict of laws, consumer protection, comparative law, and technology regulation and policy. In the past, Professor Pavlović has acted as a coach for the International Chamber of Commerce International Mediation Competition, the coach for the John Marshall Law School International Moot Court Competition in Information Technology and Privacy Law, and a co-coach for the Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Moot.
Professor Amy Salyzyn research focuses on gender and the law, law and technology and civil justice reform. In 2013, Amy was the Research Director for a project on ethical infrastructure in Canadian law firms that was undertaken by the Canadian Bar Association Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee. She was also awarded the 2013-14 OBA Foundation Chief Justice of Ontario Fellowship in Legal Ethics and Professionalism (Fellowship in Studies) to study the ethical implications of lawyers’ pre-litigation demand letters. She is currently a co-investigator on a $2.5 million SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative (MCRI) grant for a project titled “Repenser le droit processuel: vers une cyberjustice” (“Rethinking Procedural Law: Towards a Cyberjustice”). In recent research conducted with two University of Ottawa Faculty of Law colleagues, Professor Suzanne Bouclin and Professor Jena McGill, and with support from a SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant, Professor Salyzyn explored risks and opportunities relating to the use of mobile and web-based apps to enhance access to justice
Congratulations to Professors Michael Pal, Marina Pavlović and Amy Salyzyn!