In collaboration with the Faculty of Law, we offer the following degrees and certificates in law and technology:

Student's corner
Discover our rich educational programming with specialized degrees, options and courses, fellowships, awards and bursaries to train and mentor the next generation.
Programs in the Faculty of Law

JD Option in Law and Technology
A uniquely designed Law & Technology Option is available to all JD students currently registered at the Faculty of Law Common Law Section

LL.M. in Law and Technology
A Master of Laws with Concentration in Law and Technology, with courses, internship and research paper in Fr. or Eng., and in Civil Law or Common Law

Ph.D. in Law
Candidates interested in doctoral studies at the Centre for Law, Technology and Society can apply for the Ph.D. in Law at the Faculty of Law, uOttawa

AI and the Law: An International Perspective
A two-week program.
Our law and technology programing also offers:
Other programs

Visiting Research Student
A program for graduate students interested in visiting the Centre for up to 12 months.
Students may also join our community through graduate degrees offered by the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering.
Fellowships, awards and bursaries

Ian R. Kerr Fellowships
Public : LLM candidates

Samit and Reshma Sharma Law, Technology and Society Scholarships
Public : All graduate students

Deirdre G. Martin Memorial Privacy Law Awards
Public : Law students

McCarthy Tétrault Technology Law Awards
Public : Law students

Impact Awards
Public: all

Travel Bursaries
Public : All graduate students