Research Perspectives
A journal of discovery and innovation from the University of Ottawa

Driving research into the future
Trends to watch over the next decade
Spotlight on research
Just societies

Just societies
In all fairness
Whether he is considering linguistic rights or wealth distribution, philosopher David Robichaud is always concerned with the concepts of equity and ju…
Just societies

Just societies
A precarious fate
The lives of migrant workers in Canada are often fraught with difficulties. Delphine Nakache is seeking solutions to the complex legal issues involved…
Health and wellness

Health and wellness
Where few dare to tread
Dave Holmes’ research in forensic nursing challenges established practices in psychiatry, public health and corrections to provide more compassionate …
Just societies

Just societies
Blood memories
Keri Cheechoo explores the untold stories of reproductive violence against Indigenous women.
Sustainable environment

Sustainable environment
Urban shift
What does it take to build greener cities? Daina Mazutis shows how progressive business leadership can go a long way.
Health and wellness

Health and wellness
Human dignity across the lifespan
Michelle Giroux seeks legal solutions to problems posed by rapid changes affecting families and the medical sector.
Sustainable environment

Sustainable environment
The untapped power of heat
Raphael St-Gelais and his team hope to reap the benefits of an underutilized energy source that is both abundant and sustainable.
Health and wellness

Health and wellness
Partnering with the marginalized
Smita Pakhalé enlists members of underprivileged communities to work alongside academics in a novel approach to health-care research.
Health and wellness

Health and wellness
Caring where it counts
Populations at highest risk for HIV often struggle with access to treatment. Patrick O’Byrne is working to change that.
Digital world

Digital world
Playing politics with social media
Elizabeth Dubois probes the changing face of public discourse in an era where tweets can alter lives.
Contact us
Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation
Tabaret Hall
550 Cumberland St
Room 246
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5
Tel.: 613-562-5270
Fax: 613-562-5271
[email protected]
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