A selection of stories from back issues featuring pivotal uOttawa research.

Advanced Research Complex

Cover of the summer 2014 issue of Research Perspectives

Probing the secrets of the Earth and light in a new world-class centre

Summer 2014

The launch of uOttawa’s ARC

The Advanced Research Complex offers a new model of research in photonics and Earth sciences by gathering scientists from different disciplines under one roof.

Atomic tour de force

Ian Clark and his research group will benefit from a cutting-edge facility to study radioactive contaminants, one atom at a time.

Shared dreams and laser beams

The Advanced Research Complex takes research collaboration to a new level, says Paul Corkum, and will help establish Ottawa as a world leader in photonics.

Contact us

Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation

Tabaret Hall
550 Cumberland St
Room 246
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5270
Fax: 613-562-5271
[email protected]

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