The University of Ottawa’s Positive Energy program uses the convening power of the university to bring together academic researchers and senior decision-makers from industry, government, Indigenous communities, local communities and environmental organizations to determine how to strengthen public confidence in energy decision-making.

Mockup of report.

The report

The study, (PDF, 3.1MB) written by Positive Energy faculty affiliate and Mount Royal University professor Duane Bratt, examines the role of federalism at the intersection of energy and environment policy in Canada. Energy and the environment are inexorably linked: energy production is a major economic driver in Canada, but energy production and consumption produce significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

There have been major battles between the federal government and provinces, or between provinces, on energy and environment policy in Canadian history. These conflicts have had significant political, economic, and environmental costs. Professor Bratt makes two key arguments. First, he emphasizes the importance of identifying the few windows of opportunity when a consensus can be achieved. Second, when windows of opportunity are unavailable, decision-makers should focus on achieving small levels of cooperation through bilateral or unilateral provincial initiatives.

The report in brief

Read the key findings and their relevance to decision-makers.
Key findings (PDF, 2.1MB)

Media coverage