The goal of the Preclinical Imaging Core is to provide non-invasive imaging approaches for visualizing pathological processes in animal models.

Why incorporate in vivo imaging in your animal studies?

Ethics regulations in animal research introduced the well know 3R rule. The three Rs stand for Refinement, Replacement, and Reduction. By applying in vivo imaging, the experimental design supports this rule by decreasing the number of animals needed for the desired set of results. Using different imaging techniques, you can eliminate one or more experimental groups in your study that you would otherwise need to gather the information through other techniques. In vivo imaging is typically performed efficiently on animals under anaesthesia as a non-invasive technique. Therefore, data is collected without suffering.  

In addition, in vivo imaging allows for multiple different types of data collected from the same animal. This provides a more accurate representation of results and increases statistical power. 

In vivo imaging can be used for tracking disease or treatment progression over time in the same animal. This also contributes to minimizing number of animals and collecting more representative results. This also allows for identification of individual trait differences, for example the difference between early and late responders. 


In vivo maging and 3Rs publication

MRI and 3Rs publication 

There exist numerous in vivo imaging techniques which could be used alone or in combination. The correct choice of techniques can provide high quality results and significant steps forward in pre-clinical research. 

PCIC offers the expertise to guide and assist you with applying these techniques in your projects. However, operation of equipment and the core facility must follow certain rules. PCIC and University of Ottawa have developed policies and procedures that are designed to help users make the most of the facility. These policies and procedures are updated to reflect current conditions and demands. Please read and agree to all core policies in the left-hand menu.