The goal of the Preclinical Imaging Core is to provide non-invasive imaging approaches for visualizing pathological processes in animal models.

Organization of data

Data must be stored in a specific hierarchy.

If the equipment is connected to a Windows operated computer, data cannot be stored on the desktop. The desktop is reserved for software link, training material, and other material serving as guides for using the equipment and/or software.

All data must be stored under Documents in the following hierarchy

  1. Documents
  2. PI folder (in the form "Last-First")
  3. User folder (in the form "Last-First")
  4. Individual folders optional created as desired by user

This hierarchy helps PCIC to contact the appropriate users during the data cleaning process.

Data storage

While using equipment, data is automatically stored on hard drives of the equipment whether they are integrated or as a separate computer. Because these hard drives have limited space data can be stored here only temporarily and will be cleaned periodically by PCIC to always allow enough space available. PCIC is not responsible for loss of data acquired by users. If PCIC staff is acquiring data, PCIC will ensure that the end user has a copy of all data exported from the equipment.

Leaving data on equipment hard drives is at own risk.

PCIC may notify users when cleaning of equipment hard drive will be planned. When cleaning equipment hard drive, PCIC may choose to store the deleted files on a separate temporary location and notify users about the deleted data. If PCIC will not receive any requests for copies of the deleted data in a specified time period, PCIC will delete these permanently.

PCIC does not own enough space for storage of all data acquired at the core facility. Because PCIC staff operates the MRI, this data is stored more permanently on external drives. These may be cleaned after a specified number of years or if disks are becoming full to allow space for new data. 

Special instructions for Vevo 2100

Vevo 2100 integrated hard drive becomes full relatively quickly. Therefore, PCIC asks users to remember to delete files at the end of their study and after creating a safe copy in their lab drives.