Publication Policy
The goal of the Preclinical Imaging Core is to provide non-invasive imaging approaches for visualizing pathological processes in animal models.
Your acknowledgement matters
In the methods or acknowledgments of your paper, please mention that your data was taken at the University of Ottawa Preclinical Imaging Core facility. For example: Live mouse brain MRI was performed at the University of Ottawa Preclinical Imaging Core using a 7 Tesla GE/Agilent MR 901. Please make sur to the equipment name is correct.
Please make sure you mention the RRID of the core facility as such: RRID:SCR_021832.
Thanks to your acknowledgment of the PCIC through this identification number, we are able to track all publications easier. Keeping track of published results acquired at PCIC is an important measure that we use to show our importance to stakeholders.
Thank you for your acknowledgment.