Adjudication Process
Two selection committees will be established for the SFO:
- In the Social Sciences and Humanities
- In Sciences, Engineering and Health Sciences
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Vice-President, Research and Innovation or their delegate will chair the review committees. Applicants can suggest which committee should review their proposal. RMS will direct the application to the appropriate committee. For each competition, RMS will draw evaluation committee members from a pool of potential expert reviewers.
Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be assessed using the following criteria:
- Scientific merit of the proposal, including:
- Originality and innovation
- Clarity and scope of objectives
- Feasibility and adequacy of methodological approach
- Importance of the expected outcome of the research
- Quality of the presentation, clear, concise, legible and complete
- Record of research achievement, including, without limitation, the following factors:
- Quality and significance of past contributions
- Level of research activity relative to the stage of the applicant's career
- Need for funds and Budget Justification:
- Need for SFO funds and justification of the request relative to other currently-held and/or available funding (Other currently-held funds must be clearly indicated in the applicant's C.V)
- Plan to apply for external, peer-reviewed funding
The applicant must demonstrate their plans for applying for peer-reviewed external funding within the next 12–18 months. The primary objective of this program is to increase the likelihood of competing successfully for such funding. The applicant should briefly demonstrate that they have identified potential external funding organizations (including granting councils, industry, foundations, government etc.), that they have an awareness of the evaluation criteria and guidelines of the said external funding organizations and that the proposed work will support and strengthen a future grant application.
- Contribution to the training of students:
IMPORTANT NOTE: The evaluation for the SFO is based on the available documentation in the original application.