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Once a proposal is completed and ready to be submitted, the following steps are taken:

  1. The researcher submits a copy of the full proposal and supporting documentation, including budget, to the faculty research office.
  2. The researcher completes an RE form. They can do so through their individual eAwards log-in (the uOttawa Grant and Awards Research Portal). The researcher downloads and signs the RE Form signature pages (two-page summary) and sends it to their faculty research office. The latter gathers the remaining signatures and sends it to the appropriate office within OVPRI (RMS for Tri-Agency and most other grants and contracts, IREX for international grants and contracts, ISS for grants and contracts with private sector).
  3. The OVPRI office (RMS, IREX or ISS) will sign the proposal’s signature page (wet-ink, electronic or e-submission) on behalf of the University for submission to the agency. With e-submission (most Tri-Agency programs), the University (through RMS) submits the completed grant through the agency portal (e.g., ResearchNet, Convergence, etc.) on behalf of the researcher. In all other cases, the OVPRI office signs the proposal and the researcher, with the support of the faculty research office, submits the proposal.

eAwards portal

RE forms

The RE form is an University-wide requirement. It informs the requesting researcher’s faculty, as well as the Office of the Vice-President of Research and Innovation (OVPRI), of the proposed projects requirements and overall project objectives. It is an internal form that must be submitted to the OVPRI unit responsible for managing the grant submission (RMS, IREX or ISS) for every funding application or contract. Signature by the faculty (the vice-dean research or the dean) confirms the faculty’s approval and support for the project, and is also used to confirm the faculty’s ability to host the proposed research activities if funded. For more information on the completion of RE forms and the eAwards system, see the Research section in VirtuO (login required).

Respecting Deadlines


All grant submissions require one signature of approval from OVPRI (RMS, ISS, or IREX). As a rule of thumb, the deadline for internal submission of the proposal and RE form (signed by all parties) for signature is 72 hours prior to the agency deadline. This is in addition to any internal deadlines that a faculty research office may have in place, which will vary according to faculty procedures and funding programs. Contact your faculty’s research office and pay attention to RMS communications to stay informed of internal deadlines.

For major Tri-Agency funding competitions (NSERCCIHR or SSHRC) requiring University e-submission, RMS must have received all finalized and approved materials by noon the day prior to the agency’s deadline. This is in addition to additional internal deadlines that may be set for review of the grant materials.

It is the researcher’s responsibility to ensure that the proposal is submitted on time and to understand the submission process for the target funding agency, as well as Institutional requirements. 

Authorization (who signs on behalf of the University)

  • RMS: Grants and contracts/agreements with Canadian federal (e.g., Tri-Agency), provincial and municipal governments, Canadian academic institutions, and Canadian associations and foundations.
  • ISS: R Grants and contracts/agreements with industry and private sector partners, the National Research Council (NRC), national and international defence, NSERC Alliance agreements, Mitacs, and all MTAs, DSAs and NDAs.
  • IREX: International government grants and contracts/agreements, international foundations and associations, and international academic institutions.
  • SDI: Major research infrastructure projects funded by government programs such as the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Ontario Research Fund (ORF).

Contact us

Research Management Services

Tabaret Hall
Room 159
550 Cumberland St
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1N 6N5

Tel: 613-562-5841 
Fax: 613-562-5338

General support: [email protected]

Contract Support: [email protected]

RMS directory

Faculty Research Advisors

Be sure to contact the Faculty’s Research Advisors! They are a great resource and will help guide researchers in the administrative process of getting funding for their research. Check out the faculty’s homepage to find out more.