Explore the TEM Core services and Pricing!

TEM Core services


  • Consultation on experimental design, contact us
  • Sample processing:
    • Fixation
    • Post fixation and resin embedding
  • Ultrasectioning of processed samples
  • Transmission electron microscopy imaging
  • Training available for imaging and sample processing
*Please allow a minimum of 6 weeks processing time for new requests*

How the TEM Core Facility can support your research

  • Instrument capable of imaging any tissue (properly embedded and ultrathin-sectioned)
  • Spatial resolution down to a few nanometers
  • In-house expertise available to help you plan and execute your imaging goals
  • Protocols in place for tissue fixation and immuno-EM labeling
  • Sample preparation and training is available, contact us for more details

Applications (some examples)

  • Cellular ultrastructure
  • Organelle remodeling
  • Synaptic density, architecture
  • Membrane biology, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear pores
  • Mitochondrial fusion, fission
  • Autophagosome analysis
  • Blood-brain barrier integrity
  • Vesicular trafficking
  • Visualization of specific proteins via immuno-EM staining

TEM Core pricing (2024)

Publication/Authorship Policy

The TEM Core provides services for transmission electron microscopy on a fee-for-service basis. While sample processing and imaging are a responsibility of the staff of the TEM Core, interpretation of data is the responsibility of the submitting investigator. Also note that the TEM Core should be acknowledged in publications and presentations for which our services were utilized. 

*Please allow a minimum of 6 weeks processing time for new requests*


Internal AcademicExternal AcademicGovernmentIndustry
Non-supervised TEM imaging (by user)$65.00/hr$80.00/hr$100.00/hr$160.00/hr
Technical time$50.00/hr$50.00/hr$50.00/hr$50.00/hr
Consultation on experimental designNo charge first 
hour; $50 for each 
additional hr.
No charge first 
hour; $50 for each 
additional hr.
No charge first 
hour; $50 for each 
additional hr.
No charge first 
hour; $50 for each 
additional hr.
One training session for use of the TEM$60.00/hr
(minimum 2 hr)
(minimum 2 hr)
(minimum 2 hr)
(minimum 2 hr)
Training session for TEM sample preparation$50.00/hr
(technical time and 
free consumables)
(Technical time + $10
for consumables)
(Technical time + $20
for consumables)
(Technical time + $30
for consumables)
Leica VT1000S, Vibrating Blade Microtome by core staff$60.00/hr 
(technician time + 
microtome time)
(technician time + 
microtome time)
(technician time + 
microtome time)
(technician time + 
microtome time)
Leica VT1000S, Vibrating Blade Microtome by user$10.00/hr$20.00/hr$50.00/hr$70.00/hr
Sample Processing for TEM*$40.00 per sample 
(up to 6 samples) + 
$50.00 for each 
additional sample
$45.00 per sample 
(up to 6 samples) + 
$55.00 for each 
additional sample
$50.00 per sample 
(up to 6 samples) + 
$60.00 for each 
additional sample
$60.00 per sample 
(up to 6 samples) + 
$70.00 for each 
additional sample
Ultramicrotomy (of processed samples)$75.00/hr$80.00/hr$90.00/hr$110.00/hr
Image Processing$65.00/hr$70.00/hr$80.00/hr$100.00/hr

*Fixation + Post Fixation + Resin embedding
Note: For full-animal transcardial perfusion add technical time

Typical costs for electron microscopy laboratory services. Actual costs may depend  upon the project and the type of sample(s).

The Electron Microscopy Core should be acknowledged in publications, conference presentations, or seminars in which microscopy results are utilized with the following statement: "The authors acknowledge the Electron Microscopy Core (RRID: SCR_025398) funded by the University of Ottawa, Brain-Heart Interconnectome (BHI) via Canadian First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF)." 

Contact us

Faculty of Medicine Electron Microscopy Core Facility

Room 2533, Roger Guindon Hall (RGN)
451 Smyth Road, Ottawa, K1H 8M5

Office: 613-562-5800 Ext: 7124
Fax: 613-561-5467
Attention: Dr. Baptiste Lacoste
[email protected]