Two students talking in front of Academic Writing Help Centre

Academic writing help

Are you looking for ways to organize a paper, strengthen your writing abilities, or make sure your references are correctly integrated in your written assignments?

Meet a mentor to strengthen your writing abilities!

The Academic Writing Help Centre is a peer help centre where students can go at any step of the writing process to learn how to become more efficient and autonomous writers. Meet with a mentor to :

  • Get help understanding assignment instructions;
  • Learn how to make an outline and organize your ideas into paragraphs;
  • Get feedback on your writing and discover tools that will help you edit your own work;
  • Learn how to cite your sources properly;
  • And more!
Student and mentor during an appointment

Looking for other ways to improve your writing?

In addition to booking an appointment with a writing mentor at the Academic Writing Help Centre, check out the following resources!

Academic integrity process

As you go through the academic integrity process outlined in Academic Regulation A-4 (Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct), you may be invited to participate in an academic integrity session with a writing mentor. If so, email [email protected] to book the session. Our team will contact you with all the necessary information.

Please note that academic integrity sessions aren’t just for students who’ve received sanctions. They’re also open to those seeking to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the topic. The sessions can prove invaluable for all students aiming to enhance their academic journey.

Contact us

Academic Writing Help Centre

110 University Private
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5
[email protected]

Office hours

The AWHC is open Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Virtual appointments are offered until 4:30 p.m.